裕-閑倶楽部~ [screenscap spam of DOOM #01]

Feb 13, 2009 21:41

I'm watching Yukan Club... well, for me YUUkan Club, I've started it just to watch Yoko... but oddly enough, I'm liking this drama A LOT :D
it's so stupid you can only deeply love it...
or hate it with all your heart because it's just so pointless... xD
(ep #01, #02, #03, #04)

the sporty side...

... and the genius one =ç= wha, smiling =ç=

Kimono+Computer = I'M DEAD :D

yaaaaa~ so focused... Yoko playing the intelligent one is something really strange but he is SO SEXY

Karate Kid #02

hi, Kimitaka's ass! hi Jin's ass! :D

James Bond?

a 'lil group shoot~

Ayumi? no, Seishiro :D

he is such a pretty running bride~

pants x°D

Seishiro + Bidèt GranMarnier :D

he. is. gorgerous.

beware the eye-destroyer :D

shouldercollarboneshouldercollarboneshouldercollarboneshouldercollarboneshouldercollarbone *blackout*

James Bond again ;D

such a dumb face~

Kimonoooooooooooooo *O*

so cute~

oh well, Gran Marnier was fucking hot enough in this ep to deserve some solo-caps u.u

shelock and her pals xD

BLOOD *O* I want mooooooore blood, bloody bloody bloody Kimitakaaaaaaaaaa~
ok, I'm creepy but it's a fetish I have... u_u;

still wounded~

I already found my slash-pairing u_u

sorry for the HUGE screencaps spam but I love Yoko so much~

part #02 : here
part #03 : here

see ya soon~

dorama !yukan club, fangirly flailings, screencaps, yoko

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