Between Us - Part 1/2

May 08, 2008 14:13

Between Us - Part 1/2
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Warnings: M/M relationships
Synopsis: Jared has the perfect life, but then things start to get interesting...

At the moment, Jared’s life couldn’t have been better. He had a family that supported him, a girl that loved him, and two dogs that adored him. His career was taking off with a brand new show just picked up by the networks, his co-star was a pretty decent guy (of course he was, he was from Texas), and he had just moved in to the perfect house. So he was only a little disconcerted when after only one episode had aired he appeared to have picked up a crazy fan.

”Dear Sam

I am terribly disappointed with the callous manner in which you treat your brother. It is very clear to anyone who really sees him that Dean loves you very much, yet you are so cold towards him. Either you will be kinder to him, or I will make sure you suffer for your sins.”

He showed the letter to Eric, who frowned and asked if he was concerned. He wasn’t, and he said so, so Eric shrugged and told him to be careful and to let him know if he received any more. He showed the letter to Kim, whose only comment was a creative invective describing the writer’s character, making Jared laugh. And then he showed Jensen. Jensen hadn’t frowned, hadn’t sworn, and hadn’t been amused. Jensen had been afraid, and Jared shivered a little to see his mostly easy-going friend so easily scared. He asked if he could keep the letter, and Jared had handed it over without a thought.

That had been the end of the matter.

As time passed, Jared and Jensen became close friends. They spent most of their time together on set and were yet to get tired of one another’s company. Off the set, they often shared meals, sat and caught a game on Jared’s monstrous television, or kicked back with a couple of beers on Jensen’s Jared-sized sofa. There were only a few blocks between Jared’s home and Jen’s apartment, so they often dropped in on one another. Then there were the nights when neither of them was in shape to make even so short a journey, so they took to sleeping on each other’s sofas. It was the easiest friendship Jared had ever fallen into. He didn’t even notice that his phone calls to Sandy were becoming further and further apart.

One night, however, Jared noticed Jen acting strange. He hadn’t really meant to, but he had caught sight of Jen walking up his front path. Just when he was about to turn away and go open the door, Jen stopped dead. Jared watched as he stood a little straighter, body tense, head tilted slightly upwards. It was only an instant, but it made Jared frown. What the hell had that been all about? He didn’t get a chance to ask because as soon as the door opened, Sadie and Harley came flying down the hall, practically bowling Jensen over with their enthusiasm to greet him. By the time they had sorted out dogs and limbs and clothing, the moment was lost, and Jared gave a mental shrug. So, instead of satisfying his curiosity, he groused, “Man, I think they love you more than me sometimes.”

Jensen looked up from his bent over position - Harley having presented his back to be scratched - with a wide smile, “Nah, man, they have more sense than that.”

Jared hated the way Jen tended to put himself down. “I like you.”

“I never said you had that much sense.” He laughed as he ducked Jared’s sweeping punch and stood up straight. “So what are we eating?”

Everything was back on track.

The next night was perhaps one of the more unusual in his life. As he sat down to finish off the pizza he and Jen hadn’t scoffed down the night before, he had heard scratching at his front door. Upon looking through the spy hole, he saw nothing, but the scratching sounded again, and he cautiously opened the door. It was a dog. A big Alaskan Malamute, red and white, with beautiful green eyes. It was looking up at him with expectation.

“Ummm, go home?” He wasn’t sure why the dog was on his doorstep, but such a beautiful creature must have an owner somewhere. It continued to look at him. He tried a firmer tack. “I mean it, now. Go home!” He pointed back down the path, but it had no effect. The dog seemed to try a different approach too, giving him sooky eyes and a pitiful little whimper. Jared knew it was a lost cause. He knelt down, holding out a hand to be sniffed. “What are you doing here? Someone must be frantic looking for you.” Having passed the sniff test, Jared cupped the big head in his hands. “You don’t have a collar on, but that doesn’t really mean anything.” He looked up and down the street, but there was no sign of anyone searching for their lost pet. “I guess you can come on in. Surely they’ll knock on doors in their search.” For this, he received the swipe of a long tongue, making him laugh.

As soon as they were through the door, Jared heard the tell-tale clicks of scrambling claws on parquetry, and braced himself to leap between the dogs. He needn’t have worried. Sadie and Harley surrounded the new dog, sniffing and wuffling and licking. They pressed in against his sides, wriggling excitedly, and Jared just stared. They had never welcomed anyone like that, except Jen, who was practically family. The three of them trotted off together, heading for the lounge room, and Jared suddenly remembered his forgotten dinner with visions of it disappearing down doggy throats. As he arrived, Harley was just making for the coffee table and its contents. Seeing Jared, he instead walked right on past, false innocence in every step. Jared snorted, amused, and sat down. Half way through the first slice, he felt eyes upon him, and looked into desperate green pleading. He took another bite, and a whine escaped his new friend. He looked hungry. What if he was a stray? He may not have eaten for days. Jared caved. “Oh, for god’s sake…” He handed the dog a slice of pizza and watched it daintily eat it with nibbling bites. He was rewarded with a doggy grin afterwards and didn’t feel like quite such a pushover.

Settling down to watch a little TV before bed, he found himself surrounded by fur, as per usual. The new dog didn’t see why he couldn’t join in, so he pressed himself up against Jared’s side, crowding him into the back of the lounge. Jared didn’t have the heart to push him down, although he wasn’t exactly comfortable. He wondered where his owners were, as obviously this dog was loved by someone, but they hadn’t come looking. Jared stroked the soft fur soothingly, making the sweet thing shiver in delight. “You’d better stay here tonight. I’ll see what we can do about finding your home tomorrow.” His only answer was a soft whuff of contentment.

Come morning, the dog was nowhere to be found. Jared looked around a little frantically, but there was no trace. He wondered how it possibly could have gotten out. Then he shook himself. It wasn’t his dog. It had probably gone home. He wished he didn’t feel so disappointed. He headed off to get ready, running late now due to his search, and plotted how best to tell the story to Jen when he got in the car.

It went on for three months. Every night he would hear a scratch on his door, share his dinner with the Malamute - which he had named Rusty since he had to call it something - and wake up in the morning to find it gone. The only time Rusty didn’t appear was when he had company, as though the dog didn’t want anyone but him to know about it. Jensen started to tease him about his imaginary dog friend which, he said, was pitiful because he already had two dogs. In the end, he stopped telling other people about the dog and its strange behaviour, and it became his little secret.

Over that time, he also started to notice things about his best friend. Things he shouldn’t have been noticing about his very straight friend since he was a straight man himself. He noticed the way Jensen’s long lashes framed his forest green eyes, and the way his glasses emphasised them. He noticed the way Jen’s mouth moved, framing words in a manner that should have been banned as indecent, and how he would flick his tongue out, just a glimpse of pink, to wet his full lips. He also noticed how slim Jensen was, taught with muscle, and bow-legged like he’d spent his life on a horse. Lots of little things that made his friend attractive. Then there was Jen’s laugh, the full one that seemed to burst out of him without him knowing, making him fold in the middle like he was trying to restrain it. Jared loved that laugh, and would do anything to make Jen do it. More often than not, though, it was the unplanned incidents that succeeded the most - like falling through a doorway in the middle of a take.

His relationship with Sandy suffered with them being so far apart, each busy with their respective careers. They spoke less and less, until one Friday night Sandy called him and laid it out. “This isn’t working, Jared. It isn’t you, and it isn’t me, it’s just…us.” She didn’t sound angry, or upset, just a little sad. “I wish it could have worked, because you’re a hell of catch Jared, but I’m hoping that we can still be friends.”

Jared found he felt just the way Sandy’s voice sounded. He mentally ticked off the clichés as she said them, but he knew that there was a reason they were clichés - because they were all so often true. “I’m sorry, Sandy. So sorry. You deserve better than this, we both do. And of course we’ll stay friends! You’ve been my friend since… forever.”

“Well then, Jared, as your friend, I’m going to tell you to get a move on and pin down your ‘better’. He won’t wait forever. Not even for you.” Jared could hear the smirk in her voice.

“What are you talking about?” He couldn’t for the life of him make sense of what she had just said.

The breath of laughter from Sandy’s end was affectionately exasperated. “Jensen, you idiot. The only name I’ve heard from your mouth for the last couple of months is Jensen’s. What he said, what he did, what you did together. You sound like a teenage girl with a crush!”

A light dawned. “It’s not like that!” Jared took a breath to take her to task for even suggesting it, but then swallowed it down. He had been spending a lot of time with the other man, and he had started noticing his attractive little quirks. Just yesterday he had watched Jensen film his love scene with Megalyn for Route 666. Half the women on set had been puddles on the floor by the end of it, making Jensen blush, but Jared had wanted to tell them all to go away, not to look, and to shield Jensen from their prying eyes. He wondered now if there hadn’t been a little bit of jealousy in his protectiveness. Remembering Sandy on the other end of the line, he asked in a small voice, “Do you really think…”

“I do.” She sighed. “And, for what it’s worth, I think he wants you too.”

Jared smiled softly. Despite everything, he did still love her, and always would. “Thanks, Sandy. Really. And don’t be a stranger, okay? I’ll always look forward to hearing from you.”

“The same goes, Jared. If you need to talk, you know I’ll always listen. Now, take care of yourself, okay?”

“Yeah, okay. ‘Bye.” Jared hung up the phone and sighed. He couldn’t in all honestly say he was heartbroken, but he was upset. Sandy had been a big part of his life. He had thought that one day they would settle down together. Now that was all over. He let out another shaky breath. Rusty climbed up and draped himself across Jared’s lap, turning back to lap at Jared’s chin. Jared gave a soft laugh. “Oh, god. I have no idea what I’m doing. My girlfriend just broke up with me, I’m probably falling in love with my best friend, who also happens to be my co-star, and a man, and I’m being comforted by a phantom dog that no one believes exists.” Rusty whined, pushing himself closer to Jared, as though to reassure him that he was indeed real. Sadie and Harley joined the huddle, pushing against his legs and licking wherever they could find bare skin. For a moment, Jared struggled for control, but then gave up, curling his hands into warm fur, pressing his face into solid dog flesh, and let the tears he couldn’t truly explain fall.

For the first time ever, Jared woke up to find Rusty still there. He wondered if the dog had sensed the night before that Jared needed him to still be around. He had found him to be a most sensitive animal, always seeming to divine exactly what Jared needed from him. It was an odd relationship they shared. Jared did nothing to take care of him really, beyond feeding him whatever leftovers there were, and yet the creature was devoted to him. The other two seemed to follow his lead too, and it was oddly disconcerting. Still, he had come to love him as much as his own mutts, and was scared the day would come when Rusty didn’t return.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and Jared decided he would take the dogs for a run. He leashed Sadie and Harley, but Rusty gave him one threatening growl when he even suggested putting one on him. So that is how they went out; Jared running with two leashed dogs on one side, and an unleashed one on the other. They had been out for about forty five minutes when Jared decided they should head back, but was startled to a stop by a car beeping behind him. Turning, he saw Mike and Tom in Mike’s newest obsession - a convertible.

“Jared! Hey! Would you look at that, it does exist!” Jared looked down at Rusty, who was sitting panting beside him.

“Uh, yeah. I told you, man. Why would I make shit like that up?”

Tom placated, as per usual. “What he means is, we’re glad to finally meet your new baby.”

Jared smiled. “I don’t know that I can really say he’s mine. But, yeah, this is Rusty.”

“With eyes like those I’m surprised you didn’t call it Jensen.” Mike oomphed as Tom hit him in the head.

Laughing, Jared answered, “I couldn’t do that! It is just…wrong. And Jensen would kill me.”

“I don’t see why. They’re both man’s best friend…and like licking b-oomph…” Tom’s hand effectively silenced Mike before he could finish his sentence. It was too late, though. Jared knew what he had been about to say.

Angrier than he could explain, he growled, “How could you say that? I thought you were his friend. And the only reason I’m not telling him what you said is because I won’t hurt him like that.”

Tom sighed. “Please, Jared, ignore him. This penis extension he’s driving has gone to his tiny brain.” Mike made disgruntled noises under Tom’s hand. “I’m glad to see you care so much about Jen. It’s about time someone did.”

“What are you talking about?” Jared frowned. Tom had sounded so…sad. At his side, Rusty made a half-growl, half-whimper noise. Jared put a hand on the dog’s head to calm him, not sure exactly what had elicited the odd sound.

Tom shook his head. “That’s Jensen’s business. You’ll have to ask him.” He hesitated. “But…keep an eye out for him?”

“Of course.” Jared was still frowning, but it was clear Tom wasn’t willing to say anymore. It was time to change the course of the conversation. “Where are you two off to anyway?”

Mike hissed like an annoyed cat and bit Tom’s hand, causing the larger man to jerk it away. “Ow! Are you feral?!”

“You should sure as hell know it by now.” Mike replied, and then smiled sweetly (as much as Mike was able, anyway) at Jared. “We’re taking the car for a drive. Stretching its wings, so to speak. Tom wanted to see how fast it can go.”

Blushing, Tom muttered, “Or maybe I was more interested in getting your hyperactive self out of the house?”

Jared started to laugh. The bickering was nothing new between his friends. In fact, they had been like it as long as he had known them. There was no heat in it, and more often than not it was funny to watch. “Well, you better get going, before you really get into a fight.”

“If we fight we get to have super hot make-up sex, don’t we Clarke?” Mike was grinning like the proverbial cat with the canary.

“Oh, shut up. Please shut up.” Tom was blushing darker, making Jared laugh even more. “And you! Stop encouraging him!”

“Like an audience makes a difference.” Jared smirked.

“Please can we just go now? Have you humiliated me enough?” Tom had put his hands over his face.

“That depends. Who am I, Clarke?” Mike purred, a touch of menace in his voice.

“Mike…” Tom whined.

“Nope. Try again.”

Tom stayed silent, looked at Jared, and then looked at Mike. The devil had the patience of a saint when he wanted to. Tom threw up his hands. “Fine. Lex. You’re Lex Luthor. You’re sexy, and rich, and the baddest bad boy known to man.”

“You betcha’.” Mike grinned. “See ya’, Jared!”

They were gone before Jared could even reply, leaving him chuckling on the sidewalk. It was crazy, but he felt better for having run into them, despite the small tense moment when Mike’s mouth had run away with him. Suddenly, he really wanted to talk to Jen. Jen knew Sandy, had hung out with them on several occasions, and would understand exactly how Jared felt without him having to explain. He flipped open his mobile as he walked the last couple of blocks home, the dogs trailing at his sides.

Hey, I’m not here at the moment, but leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you when I can. That was Jensen through and through. No name, no promise to get back shortly, and straight to the point. Jared hung up without leaving a message. “Huh. Where would he be this early in the morning?” So he tried his mobile instead.

Hi, I’m unavailable right now. Try me again later, or leave a message. Jared frowned. Jen rarely had his mobile turned off. What could he be up to? “Hi, it’s Jared. Could you call me when you get this? Where are you, man?” Hanging up, he opened the front gate (which he actually could have stepped over, except he didn’t want to make the dogs jump it) and made his way up the path. Rusty stopped, sniffing the air, a low and menacing growl trickling out of his throat. Jared looked around, but couldn’t see what might be upsetting the dog. “Hey now, what’s up? It’s okay. Shhh. Come on inside.” They made their way into the house, Rusty having stopped growling, but all three dogs had their hackles up. Each was sniffing the house like they were looking for something. Finally, Harley gave a happy bark, and the other two seemed to relax also. Jared, for his part, was a little freaked out. Had they been looking for an intruder? Rusty came back to him where he was still standing in the doorway, whuffed like he was laughing at him and wagged his tail. Jared started to laugh. “Man, you three are making me paranoid. What was that all about, hmmm?” Rusty made chuffing noises as Jared scratched at his ears, but as soon as he stopped, Rusty was out the door. “Rusty!” Jared called after him. The dog stopped and looked back at him, tongue lolling, and then ran off, easily jumping over the low gate and continuing down the street. Jared had hoped he would stay longer this time, but there was something about the animal that let you know he was no one’s pet.

Jared shut the door and, contrary to habit, locked it behind him. He shook his head at himself, but couldn’t shake that niggling concern prickling his spine. Focusing, instead, on how he would spend his day, he headed upstairs to shower.

Stepping out of the shower half an hour later, Jared felt better. He’d spent a fair bit of his time in there sorting through his currently jumbled feelings about the people in his life. Regarding Sandy, he had decided he felt a little disappointed, a lot sad, and mostly that they had done the right thing. Regarding Jensen…now that had been a soul search, and he had spent as much time admitting his feelings to himself as he had in categorizing them in the first place. He liked Jensen. The man was his best friend. They were comfortable with each other, and as close as brothers. Somewhere along the line, that had become more. Jensen was smart and serious, strong and mature, but had a childlike sense of humour. His face was far too pretty for that of a man, but his body was completely masculine, as was his deep, almost husky voice. Jared found him attractive, on more than a hypothetical level, and he had to admit to himself that he was lusting after his best friend. More than that, he had a feeling he was falling in love with him. Huh. Potentially very, very harmful emotions indeed.

An instant after he had finished dressing, Jared’s mobile rang. He picked it up and smiled when he saw the caller ID. Flipping it open, he greeted, “Hey, Jen! Where were you?”

“In the shower, if you must know. What’s with the cryptic message?” Jensen sounded a little breathless, but Jared let it go. There were limits to how nosey he should be about his friend’s activities.

“Cryptic? Oh, yeah. I guess I didn’t really say much.” Jared headed down the stairs with the phone to his ear. “I just… well, I wanted to talk with you. Can you come around tonight? Maybe get pizza and a few beers?”

“Sure thing. Are you okay?” There was a touch of concern there, and Jared smiled. Just the fact that Jensen cared made him feel better.

“Yeah, man. I…huh, that’s weird…” Jared looked at the front door. He knew he had put the chain across…but it was undone now.

“What? What’s weird? Jared?!” Jensen’s concern ratcheted up into panic alarmingly fast.

“I’m sure I put the chain across the front door, but it’s not now. Maybe…”

“Jared! Get out of there! Do you hear me? Get out of there now!”

Jared frowned at his friend’s alarm. A moment later, though, it didn’t seem out of place at all. “Hello, Sam. I’m Bethany. You didn’t listen to my warning, and now you must pay for the way you have treated your brother.” Jared spun around and saw the woman standing in his lounge room doorway. She was just a little thing, and looked like a reasonable person, all except the gun she held in her hand. Her eyes flickered over him, resting briefly on the phone in his hand. “Hang up now.” Jared did so, not wanting to provoke her in any way.

“Ahhh, Bethany? You have the wrong person. I’m not Sam. My name is Jared…”

“Silence!” She hissed. “I know you never go by your real name, but I know who you are.”

Jared, wisely, remained silent. Meanwhile, he was wracking his brain for a way to handle this. How would Sam handle this? He scoffed at himself. Sam wouldn’t have to handle this. He doesn’t have crazy fans. And she isn’t even my crazy fan! She’s Jensen’s. Shouldn’t he have to deal with her? Jared was immediately contrite for his less than charitable thought. From Jensen’s panicked voice over the phone it would seen that he had dealt with crazy fans before. Okay…and Jensen was still alive. How would he have dealt with this? He had no idea.

“Into the lounge room.” Bethany ordered, and Jared moved very slowly towards the doorway. Stepping through, he spied his dogs laying on the floor in a heap…still. Forgetting his own predicament, he gave a short cry and stepped towards them, but Bethany halted him. “Stop! Don’t move. They’re not dead, just tranq’ed. I don’t hurt innocent animals just because of the company they keep.”

Jared had the insane urge to laugh. She would shoot him because of a character he played on TV, but she wouldn’t shoot his dogs. Choking down ruthlessly on his hysteria, he suddenly hit upon an idea. She wanted Sam? She could have Sam. “Listen, Bethany, you’re right, okay? You’re right. Dean does deserve better. The thing is…” He looked at her through his bangs, projecting Sam eyes for all he was worth. “…well, you know, Dean really cares for me…”

“He loves you! And you don’t even notice!” Bethany hissed.

“I notice, okay. I know he loves me. But, Bethany, if you shoot me…you’re gonna’ hurt Dean even more.” Surely she could see the logic in that. Dean loves Sam, so killing Sam would only hurt Dean, right?

“Yes, he’ll be upset for a little while, but then he can move on and be happy with someone else, someone who doesn’t hurt him all the time.” She explained earnestly, like that made all the sense in the world.


“Enough!” She yelled, and pointed her gun at his chest. Jared braced himself, but several things happened all at once. His front door flew open and a blur of red and white fur rushed at the crazed woman. Bethany spun around and screamed as Jared cried out ‘No’. Rusty leaped at her, knocking her backwards. The gun went off. Bethany’s head hit the wall with a thud, knocking her out. And Rusty…Rusty collapsed over her, blood soaking through his fur from the bullet wound in his side.

Jared was shocked. It had all happened too fast. Then, without thought, he raced over to the stricken dog. “No! Nonononononononoo. Please…oh, god…Rusty…” Rusty whimpered as Jared lifted him off of the prone woman. Jared’s vision blurred with tears as he stroked the soft fur soothingly. He had to call the police. He had to get his dogs to the vet. He had to move! Jerking into action, he reached for the phone, but a long, drawn out whine drew his attention. Rusty jerked once, and then again, a third time, and then seemed to go rigid, that whine-howl escaping his throat again. Jared took a step towards him, but stopped when the air seemed to shimmer around the dog, blurring him from sight. And then it wasn’t a dog. Jared found himself looking down on the figure of a man. And not just any man. It was Jensen. Jensen, gasping, shivering, and bleeding onto his carpet.

“Jare…” It was barely a whisper, but even in his shocked state, Jared couldn’t ignore the plea.

“Jen? It’s okay, I’m here. I’m here. I’m gonna’ get you an ambulance.” He wasn’t sure Jensen heard him.

“Jare? I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please forgive me…” The older man was rambling, possibly not even aware of what he was saying, but Jared took his hand and held it tight.

“Hold on, Jen. Please…” Jensen’s hand went limp in his own, but Jared could see the ragged rise and fall of his chest, so he wasn’t dead. He did need help, though. Jared shoved all his questions to the back of his mind and rushed over to the phone again. In quick succession he called an ambulance, the police, and Tom. Looking at Jensen’s naked form laying out on his carpet, Jared wasn’t really sure what to do, or how to explain this. What was Jensen doing naked in his house to start with? That would be one of the first questions. Well, he could fix the naked part. Jen kept a few spare clothes here for those nights he didn’t want to make the ten minute walk to his own apartment. Jared moved in something of a daze, collecting the clothes, bringing them back, and struggling to get them onto his unconscious friend.

A knock on his door heralded Tom’s arrival. Mike must have broken the land speed record. “Jared? Are you okay? When Jen called, he said he was on his way…” Tom caught sight of Jensen and paled. “An ambulance, Jared…”

“On its way.” He told him, feeling a little steadier with his friends’ arrival. “And the police. I need…I need to go with him. But the dogs…” He trailed off.

Tom stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Okay. We’ll get them to a vet, yeah?”

“Thank you.” Jared didn’t realise he was shaking. “I…he…god, I have no idea what’s going on.”

“What do you mean?” Tom asked carefully. Mike was bending over the two dogs, checking them over gently.

“She was going to shoot me. Then Rusty jumped her…he was shot…and now Jensen…” Jared wasn’t making sense, but then, neither did the situation.

“Listen, you need to pull it together, Jared. For Jensen. He’ll explain everything to you, but you have to come up with a convincing story for the cops.” Sirens and flashing lights came through Jared’s window. Tom quickly added, “It’ll all be okay. Just be there for him, okay? Jared? Can you do that?”

Jared nodded. Jensen needed him. He needed him to trust him. He could do that. “Take care of the dogs. I’ll take care of Jensen.” Tom clapped him on the shoulder and went to pick up Sadie, following Mike with is armful of Harley back out to the car as the paramedics ran in. Jared took a deep breath and prepared to act his heart out.

Several hours, many questions, and lots of phone calls later, Jared sat in a half-dozing daze beside his best friend. It gave him time to think about everything that had happened. It still didn’t make sense. Not in a way that fit in with the world as he knew it, anyway. As far as he could tell, Jensen had spent his daytimes as a human being on set, and his nighttimes as a dog in Jared’s house. A big dog with green eyes and far too much intuition. He thought about the way Jensen had gradually become more and more exhausted as the season wore on. If he was right, then it was no wonder his co-star was beginning to fray around the edges. The biggest questions in Jared’s mind were quite simply How and Why.

Jen stirred beside him, and Jared focused on his too pretty face. He was pale, making his freckles stand out in stark relief, and his eyes seem sunken and bruised. Those eyes fluttered open, the green dulled with pain. When he saw Jared, they flickered with fear before Jen could put a false smile on to hide behind. It hurt. More than anything else, it hurt Jared that Jen was afraid of him, apparently afraid of what he might think. He reached out and gently stroked Jen’s cheek. Jensen flinched, and then relaxed under his soft touch. “Hey, Jen. Welcome back.” Jared gave his most comforting smile.

“Hey.” Jen’s voice was rough and barely there, but Jared could still hear the note of wariness in it.

“Whatever you’re thinking, Jen, it isn’t going to happen. I don’t understand what went on, but I know you saved my life, and you might have died if things had gone slightly differently. I don’t care, really, what happened. I only care that you’re still alive. It’s probably crappy timing, but I’ve learned my lesson and I’m not waiting anymore. I love you. All that matters is that I’ve fallen in love with you, and nothing could make me give that up.”

Jensen’s eyes glittered with sudden wetness. “You have no idea…” He had to blink rapidly to clear his eyes. “You have no idea how much that means to me. That you don’t feel any different about me. I promise I’ll explain everything…”

“Shhh.” Jared smiled. Jen didn’t seem surprised that Jared was in love with him - after all, Rusty would have known - and he seemed more than okay with the idea. “Just rest up. The docs say you should be okay in a few days. There was no terrible harm done. Once you’re home, we can talk and you can explain to me exactly how you and my Rusty happen to be the same thing.”

Jensen smiled weakly back. “I love you too, Jare. Have forever…” His voice drifted as his eyes closed once more. Jared picked up his hand and held it tight so he would know he wasn’t alone.

jared/jensen, nc-17, between us, rps, slash

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