
Oct 05, 2007 21:34

lady_deathangel ~*~ 32,098 words ~*~ NC-17 ~*~ adult themes, sexual content ~*~ Ryan/Pete, Ryan/Spencer, Brendon/Jon, Ashlee/Pete mentions of Jon/Cassie

||Oh my God! This fic is finally done and being posted and I don't even know what to do with myself! Firstly! This fic started months and months ago when this prompt turned up at WAC. I told lady_stargazer I would write a Ryan/Spencer for her and nothing came of that because they refused to talk to me. And then I found this prompt, also at WAC, and the first kernels of this plot were born. Months passed and nothing happened and then DYW had a fic exchange and I thought, hey, why not finish that one for the exchange? So I worked hard and got really far and then realized that my recipient didn't like Ryan/Pete! I couldn't scrap this fic, though, or change the characters around or anything so I started a new DYW fic and returned to this one on its own, deciding to continue to write it as a gift to everyone out there who has supported my writing efforts through the months and a gift to myself, as well, as proof that I could do anything I set my mind to.

To we_are_cities for their amazing prompts which went a long way toward making this fic possible.

To lady_stargazer for being unafraid to want more Ryan/Spencer in her life and inspiring me to write some.

To my Sugars, photoproof_kiss, espadarte, and adorkable37 who cheered me on, listened to me bitch and moan and cry and flail in glee. You guys are too amazing for words and thank you so very much for everything you do for me.

To journaltypos who came in toward the middle of my writing process and was there every step of the way from then on. You took every horrible draft of this and told me it was okay and you flailed to me and pushed me and encouraged me and I'm so glad I had you there for this.

To the readers for existing and giving us authors an audience, for asking for fic and for devouring it, for reading the drabbles and the epics, for reading the canon-compliant and the AUs and for always wanting more. If you didn't want to read it, it would be hard for us, for me, to want to write it. This? Is for you guys. ||

One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Soundtrack

bandslash, possession

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