I had a Dark Knight dream last night (I've been having Batman dreams in general, but this one I can actually remember a little beyond the theme) and I'm pretty sure some part of it involved me being the Joker. THIS IS.... VERY DISTURBING FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF REASONS. D: D: D: (I'm pretty sure I was scheming on how to get Sal Maroni's men to trust
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Comments 6
The more you say, the greater my urge to rewatch all of B:TAS. XD Also, at the very least to scour it for an episode Jax mentioned in Harley's Wiki page where Crane stopped in the middle of a tirade when being escorted back to Arkham in order to tell her hello. I DON'T REMEMBER THAT AT ALL. And holy crap, huge run-on sentence liek woah.
God, I love how awesome the viral game was. I knew about it for a while before the movie started, but I was never anywhere that they would be holding events, which REALLY made me sad. THANK YOU FOR FINDING THE WIKI. And yes, there's a whole lot of continuity, which is really nice. Nice-ish, for me, since it gave me just a TAD bit more insight on Crane that partly amused me and partly intimidated me. BUT IT'S AWESOME, REGARDLESS ( ... )
Omg DO EET. I was ttly gonna app animated!Batman before TDK blew me away, but you already knew that. 8D I'M SO EXCITED FOR HARLEY INTERACTION/CONFUSION AND ALSO FOR INTERACTION WITH OUR NEWLY ACCEPTED DCAU FLASH. But yeah, I love how I've been rewatching TAS and it's still so awesomely enjoyable even as an adult. <333
GOD I WISH I HADN'T BEEN OBLIVIOUS. ;___; Looking at all the stuff after the fact makes me baawww. D: And aw, man, I know how that is to find extra stuff for a character you already play and being like "DAMMIT!" but I'm sure your Crane is all good. <3
LOL PLAYBOY BRUCE. AND CRANE-MOCKING. That would be interesting for Bruce. "HOLY CRAP SCARE.... I mean, who are you, some pleb? A HA HA HA. HA." Speaking of which, I've been wondering... should I have his "real name" be Bruce Wayne or something fake? I'm not sure since if nurses addressed him by his actual name, he' ( ... )
I'll probably start it after I get back from the convention next weekend, because I'll have about a week free before school starts back up to just do whatever, and that'd be a really good way to spend it. OH MAN, THAT'S GONNA BE AWESOME, ON BOTH COUNTS. POOR FLASH. And it's Batman, pretty much everything is always gonna be enjoyable in some way or another. 8D Even if it's super-cheesy, I still get a kick out of watching the Adam West movie for the Bat-Shark Repellant.
I knooooow. D: It looked like so much fun. And I want one of those cell phones that got a call from Harvey. And I sure hope so. The main thing is just that I found out how much...better he was at his job than I initially thought. He wasn't just a respected doctor, he RAN Arkham. ._. And then with the brains and the fact that psychology is totally not my thing... XD'' It's just kind of one of those "well, SHIT" moments. IT'LL PROBABLY PASS ONCE I GET BACK TO GETTING CRANE'S ASS ( ... )
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....o well. But you know, we could always use a cartoon Joker... ::WINK WINK, NUDGE NUDGE:: j/k... KINDA.
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