"Ten thousand? Seriously? Tell Eddie that he's going to seriously rethink his career choices. I'm not some two bit starlet he's parading around." Marco snapped into the phone, kind of hoping to reach his manager in a different universe. Only not.
Ghanima shook her head as she dialed Ino's number, having recognized her student's voice. Really, divulging plans over the phone, without bothering to make sure you had the right person. Sloppy.
"Young lady, I feel obliged to warn you that your target already suspects you. Perhaps you and your co-conspirator should review your notes from class, and find a different plan of attack."
"Don't worry, I won't tell him, but next time, pay more attention to what number you are calling."
"Lacey, this is Johnny. I, uh, should have talked to you before now but it totally slipped my mind. I'm heading out this up coming weekend so Wednesday's at the diner are free again. Thanks for keeping on. Its been an easy two years. Take care."
Comments 23
Ghanima shook her head as she dialed Ino's number, having recognized her student's voice. Really, divulging plans over the phone, without bothering to make sure you had the right person. Sloppy.
"Young lady, I feel obliged to warn you that your target already suspects you. Perhaps you and your co-conspirator should review your notes from class, and find a different plan of attack."
"Don't worry, I won't tell him, but next time, pay more attention to what number you are calling."
"I don't know who the hell you are, but I am not a drunk and I don't have stupid ideas!"
"Fuck you, you fucking fucker!"
[OMG, so sorry, I've been wanting to use that one ALL day.]
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