Can't Save Me (23/24)

Jan 01, 2011 13:37

Luke followed Reid into the apartment, pulling off his jacket as he kicked the door closed behind him, "I can't believe they took Jacob on their honeymoon with them instead of leaving him with Tom and Margo."

"I can't believe by the new year, we're going to be roommates with Doogie Hughes." Reid plopped down on the couch, tugging at his tie.

Luke laughed as he sat down next to him, "It won't be that bad."

"I already have to work with the idiot, why do I have to live with him too?"

Luke took Reid's tie into his own hands and started pulling it off, "Well, there is a way to fix that."

"You're right, you can hire someone to kill him for me."

Luke snorted, "Um, no. Katie would never speak to you again. I was actually thinking maybe... if you don't think it's too soon or anything or you don't want to...."

"Luke, just spit it out."

"Maybe we should get our own place." Luke looked at him from under his eyelashes.

Reid watched Luke to see if his emotions would change, not saying a word. He knew that was what Luke was going to suggest and he was not going to lie, it was something he had been thinking about for the past couple of days since finding out that Katie and Chris were going to be getting married.

"I think that's a great idea." he said after a moment of silence.

"Really?" Luke's smile was so huge, Reid was sure it was going to split his face in half.

Reid smirked, "Yeah, why not. We've been living together, on and off since September."

Luke leaned in and kissed Reid, deeply. Reid was expecting him to pull away after a minute but then he felt Luke shifting on the couch and suddenly he was straddling his lap and wrapping his arms around Reid's neck. When they finally broke for air, they just stared at each other. Reid had no idea what had suddenly changed in Luke and he had no idea were he was suppose to place his hands until Luke took them and placed them onto his hips before wrapping his arms back around Reid's neck. Luke was then leaning in to kiss him once again.

When they pulled apart the second time, Luke's hands were on Reid's shoulders and then he raked them down Reid's torso and back up again, watching his hands but also watching Reid, watching him as he went for the first button, popping it open. He was to the third one when Reid's mind finally caught up to what was happening. He took Luke's hands into his own and halted him. Luke finally looked back up at him.

"What are we doing here?"

Luke smirked, tilting his head to the left, "I don't want to wait anymore."

"Luke, it's not like we were actually waiting just because we've barely been dating." Reid cupped his cheek, "You haven't been ready because what happened. Are you sure about this?"

"No." Luke whispered, "But how am I to get over the fear if I don't try? I want to do this."

"If we do this, we go slow and as soon as you feel uncomfortable or a panic attack starting, we stop."

Luke nodded a sad smile appearing on his face again before Reid let go of his hands, placing them on Luke's hips again as Luke resumed unbuttoning his shirt, one by one. Reid watched Luke's face as Luke watched his hands work. Once he had the shirt undone, he touched his hands to Reid's bare torso, slowly moving them up to his shoulders and pushing the shirt off. Reid sat up just enough for Luke to push his shirt over his shoulders and down his arms, keeping his hands connected to Reid's skin at all times.

Reid removed his shirt the rest of the way before turning his attention back to Luke, who was running his hands back up and down Reid's torso, applying a little pressure when he moved his hands up and scraping his nails back down. Luke finally looked back up at Reid before leaning in and kissing him again. Reid was going to allow Luke to go as fast or as slow as he wanted him to, as long as he was comfortable.

As the kiss deepened and Luke's tongue slipped into Reid's mouth, Reid slowly moved his hands up Luke's sides, moving to the buttons of his own shirt. He moved slower, making sure that if Luke wanted to stop, they were not going to be that far. But Luke just kept kissing him and as soon as his shirt was completely unbuttoned, he pulled it off his shoulders and discarded it to the floor before returning his hands to Reid's torso. Reid placed one hand back on Luke's hip and the other on his lower back just as Luke ground into him a little.

Luke then pulled away and leaned his forehead against Reid's, trying to catch his breath. His eyes were still closed, as was Reid's. Their mouths were agape and they were breathing in each others exhales. Reid finally opened his eyes to look at Luke to see if maybe he was about to have a panic attack.

"Luke," he whispered, not wanting to startle him, "Are you okay?"

Luke opened his eyes and looked at Reid, nodding, "Yeah."

"Do you want to stop?"

"No." Luke kissed him again, "I'm okay."

Luke's hands moved back down Reid's torso and stopped at his belt, but he never moved to unbuckle it. Instead, he pulled away again and looked at Reid, a little bit of a frown on his face. Reid cupped his cheek and waited for Luke to say they needed to stop.

"I don't.... I'm not sure..."

"Luke, if you want to stop, we can."

Luke quickly shook his head, "That's not it."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I just... I have all those scars..." Luke whispered, looking away from Reid's gaze, "I don't want you to see them and think I'm not worth it anymore because I tried...."

"Hey," Reid stopped him by running his thumb over his swollen lips and lifted his head to look at him again, "If that was the case, do you think I would be right here, with you." it wasn't a question and Luke wanted to say something but Reid silenced him with a short kiss before he continued, "I love you, Luke Snyder. Scars and all. They are an important, painful part of your life now, but they can also be reminders that you survived. You got through it all."

Luke's eyes widened, "What did you just say?"

"You're going to make me say that whole thing again?"

"No, the part before my scars."

Reid smirked, knowing exactly what he was meaning, "I love you, Luke Snyder."

A huge smile broke out on Luke's face, "I love you too."

And then they were kissing again. Luke returned to Reid's belt and unbuckled it before he pulled away again. This time he was smiling when Reid opened his eyes and looked at him to see if he still wanted to stop what they were doing. But all he saw was lust and love and desire.

"Bedroom." Luke whispered

"Are you sure?"

Luke nodded, getting off Reid's lap and pulling him up with him. Luke looped his thumps into the loops of Reid's pants after pulling the belt out and discarding it to the floor. Reid rested his hands on Luke's hips again as they started walking towards his bedroom. Once in the room, they slowly discarded the rest of their clothes before Reid slowly lowered Luke to the bed, as he laid down on top of him, keeping himself propped up on his hands, on either side of Luke's shoulders.

Reid took his time with Luke, not wanting to scare him or cause a panic attack. Luke was perfectly fine and when they finally stopped and Reid cleaned them up, Luke turned into Reid and Reid wrapped his arms around the blond. They stayed silent for a while still catching their breath before Reid spoke.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm perfect." Luke looked up at him and smiled.

Reid smiled back, kissed his forehead and pulled his closer. Luke laid his head on Reid's chest and closed his eyes, feeling sleep tugging at him. Reid listened until he heard Luke's breathing even out before he pulled the sheet over them and closed his own eyes, letting sleep claim him as well. A smile was on his lips as he fell asleep, thinking about he and Luke had finally just done.
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