Can't Save Me (14/24)

Dec 26, 2010 14:37

Reid woke up to the shower running again. Rolling over, he checked the time; 5:40 a.m. Shaking his head, he got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom door, checking to see if it was locked. It was. He didn't know why Luke always locked the bathroom door, even if he was just getting sick, he would always lock the door. He knew it was something he was going to have to ask him about.

Reid was returned back to work today and he really needed to jump in the shower but he didn't know how long Luke was going to take. He grabbed his towel and some clothes and headed for the bathroom down the hall. He could at least take a shower in there and then return to his bathroom to brush his teeth. When he returned to his room ten minutes later, Luke was just pulling on his boxers.

"Morning." he mumbled, headed for the bathroom, "Why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep, decided to get up and shower before heading to the farm to help my dad with some chores."

Reid nodded, even though Luke could not see him. He brushed his teeth before heading back into the room. Luke was fully dressed now. They just stood there, staring at each other.

"Would you like me to drop you off?" Reid asked, finally pulling his eyes off Luke and walking to the nightstand for his watch.

"Um, sure."

Reid nodded. When they were ready, Reid drove them to the farm to drop Luke off before heading to the hospital. Luke watched him pull away from the house before heading inside to find his father sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee.

"Luke, I wasn't expecting you today. What are you doing up so early?"

"Hey, Dad." Luke sat down across from him, "Thought I would see if you needed any help with the chores today. I'm not returning back to work until tomorrow and I need something to do."

Holden nodded, "I can always use your help. Some fencing needs to be fixed in the pasture."

A few hours later, they were finished up and walked back into the house to find Lily cooking.

"Oh, Luke. Sweetie, I didn't know you were here."

"Hi, Mom." Luke walked over to his mother and gave her a quick hug.

To say Lily was shocked was a little bit of an understatement. Before she could actually respond, he was already pulling away.

"Are you staying for lunch?"

"Oh, I can't." he lied, "I was going to meet Reid for lunch back at the apartment."

Lily nodded, "Well, I'm happy you're getting your life back on track, baby."

Luke smiled, nodded at his father and left. Reid had drove him to the farm but he was deciding to just walk into town. It was a little over an hour by the time he made it to Old Towne because he had made an extra stop. He went to Al's and got him something to eat before heading back to the apartment. He sat the food down on the table and went to the cupboard to grab a glass. He then pulled the vodka from his jacket and poured some into his glass before sitting down to eat. When he finished, he cleaned up and went to lay down. Before hand, he locked the vodka back into the metal box under the sink in the bathroom.

He didn't know how long he had fallen asleep but when he opened his eyes, it was dark in the room and he could feel someone laying behind him. He rolled over to find Reid laying on his back, his hands folded over his chest and he was staring at the ceiling. Luke didn't say anything to him, not knowing if Reid was thinking about something or trying to fall asleep himself, but then Reid spoke.

"Are you drinking again?"

Luke knew he shouldn't lie, but it was all he had at the moment, "No."

"Don't lie to me, Luke."

"I'm not."

Reid nodded and sat up, getting out of bed. Luke sat up and watched his walk around a few seconds before stopping and turning back to him.

"You should have washed your glass before laying down instead of just setting it into the sink."

Luke frowned, "Reid..."


"It helps."

"It will kill you."

"I know." Luke whispered, wrapping his arms around himself as he pulled his legs to his chest.

"Then why?" Reid sat down at the edge of the bed, facing his boyfriend.

"It helps."

"You said that." Reid pinched the bridge of his nose, "Where is it?"

"I finished it already."

"How long have you been drinking?"

"Since Noah attacked me." Luke whispered, "The first time."

Reid's eyes widened as he looked at Luke, "You've been drinking for over a month!" his voice rose with ever word, "Luke, we need to get you to the hospital." he jumped off the bed



"I said no."

"Luke, you've been drinking for a month, when you shouldn't be. We need to check to make sure you haven't damaged your only kidney and get you some help..."

"Help!" Luke screamed, also standing up, "Help! I'm already in therapist for the damn attacks and rape. I'm trying to deal with this the best I fucking can. I'm sorry if drinking is helping me more then the God damn therapy or just trying to move on with my life like nothing happened."

"You've been drinking since the very beginning. You didn't even give the therapy a chance to help." Reid yelled back.

"I can't talk about this with you."

"To bad. We're going to talk."

"No, we're not."

"Yes. We. Are."

Luke walked around the bed and headed for the bathroom. Reid grabbed his arm and Luke froze.

"Talk to me." Reid's voice was much softer now.

"Let me go." Luke didn't turn to look at him.


"Reid, don't. You have no idea what I'm going through. Just let me deal the way I want to."

"I can't do that. Not when you're killing yourself in the process."

Luke went to pull away but Reid's grip tightened on his arm.

"You're hurting me."

"Stop trying to pull away and talk to me."

Luke turned to him, tears in his eyes, "I can't."

Reid finally let him go, "Why not?"

Luke didn't reply. He turned back around, walked into the bathroom and shut and locked the door. Reid stood there for a moment before heading into the living room. Katie was sitting on the couch with Jacob on her lap. Reid walked around the couch and grabbed his jacket.

"I'm taking a walk. If he comes out, tell him... I don't know."

Katie just nodded. She had heard everything and didn't know what to say. Reid grabbed his keys and headed out the door without another word. Katie sat Jacob in the playpen behind the couch and headed into Reid's room, walking up to the bathroom door and knocking.
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