Can't Save Me (1/24)

Dec 17, 2010 00:03

Luke closed the door behind him as he pulled at his jacket and tossed it onto the back of the couch. He stopped walking to set his phone and keys down onto the table behind the couch when there was a knock on the door. He turned to see who it was, hoping that maybe Reid had decided to return, but he couldn't see who it was. He walked to the door and opened it. Noah was standing there, swaying a little like he was drunk.

"Noah, what are you doing here so late?"

"I needed to see you." Noah pushed past Luke and into the living room.

Luke closed the door and turned back to Noah, who was now standing by the couch. Noah had his back to him. Luke was about to say something when Noah suddenly spun around, grabbed Luke's dress shirt and pulled him closer, smacking their lips together. It only took Luke a second to react. He pushed Noah away.

"What the hell, Noah." he was angry, "What was that for?"

"I want you back, Luke."

"Noah." Luke walked past him and towards the kitchen to grab a water for him.

Suddenly Noah grabbed his wrist, spun him around and shoved him against the wall.

"Ow. Noah, what are you doing?"

Noah pressed his body against Luke's and kissed him again. Luke struggled to push him away again. One of Noah's hands held Luke's wrist tightly while the other was on the side of Luke's neck, digging into his skin and hurting him. Luke finally wiggled free and pushed as hard as he could against Noah's chest, causing Noah to stumble back.

Luke took that time to head for the phone by the door. He was going to call Alison to come and pick up Noah, who seemed too drunk to drive himself, though he didn't know if he had driven over or walked. It didn't matter to him though, he just wanted him out of his house. He had two numbers dialed when Noah came up behind him and grabbed the phone from his hand, throwing it across the room.

"Damnit, Luke." he hissed, "We belong together, why can't you see that?"

Luke turned to him and laughed, "Considering how you're acting at the moment, I just want you out. Just leave, Noah."

"No, I won't leave until we talk."

"I'm not going to talk to you while you're drunk and attacking me like this."

Luke want to walk past Noah again to grab his cell phone when Noah once again grabbed his wrist. He had just a tight grip that Luke felt something pop. He hissed him pain and twisted, trying to pull out of Noah's grip.

"Noah, let me go."

"Not until we talk."

"I'm not going to talk to you like this."

"Damnit, Luke." Noah's grip tightened.

Luke grabbed hold of Noah's hand on his wrist and pulled, digging his nails into Noah's skin. Noah hissed and pulled his hand away, causing Luke to scratch him a little. Luke's nails were not that long, but he could see the scratch marks on Noah's hand.

"Fuck!" Noah looked at his hand and then at Luke, who was rubbing his wrist, not even paying attention to him.

Luke's gaze shot up to Noah just as he saw Noah's hand flying up and connecting with his cheek. The side of his face was now throbbing, but he didn't have time to react when Noah was pushing him into the wall again. Luke felt the back of his head hit the wall pretty hard and his vision blurred for a second. He was able to catch his bearings and push Noah away again. Instead of heading for the door, he headed towards the couch and his phone.

Noah came up behind him and backhanded him in the face again, causing him to lose his balance. Luke stumbled, hitting the table behind the couch and tipped it over. Glass shattered on the ground from a flower vase. Water was everywhere. His phone skid across the floor to the door leading to the rest of the house. Luke also hit the floor, trying to use his hands to catch himself, cutting himself on the glass. He felt something in his wrist pop again and he collapsed, hissing in pain. He rolled onto his back, on the glass and held his wrist.

Then Noah was on top of him, sitting on his legs. Luke, who had his eyes closed from the pain he was feeling, looking at Noah and went to push him off when Noah grabbed both his wrists and pinned them above his head, causing Luke to scream in pain because of his wrist and all the glass that was now cutting his arms and hands.

"Noah, stop."

Luke was trying to think of something. He didn't know what was going on with Noah, why he was now acting the way that he was. He knew he was drunk, but he had seen him drunk before and nothing like this every happened before. Then again, Luke was never with someone other then Noah whenever he got drunk or with someone that Noah hated with a passion for reason's Luke never understood since they were broken up by the time and and Reid had started something.

Luke looked around the room, hoping he could find something to maybe help him. His eye caught sight of his cell phone in the corner of the room, not that far away. But who would he call? He knew exactly who he would call, he just needed to get to his phone first. He looked back at Noah and didn't even know that he had torn his shirt open. Many of the buttons were missing from the shirt and on the floor now.

Luke bent his knees as best he could, causing Noah to fall forward and loosen his grip on Luke's wrists. Luke pulled his arms free and pushed Noah to the side. He watched as Noah hit his head on the wall and took that time to scramble to his feet. He ran over to his phone and picked it up. Instead of calling, he opened up a new text, typing as fast as he could.

He then heard Noah coming up behind him from the crunching of glass under his shoes. He hit send just as Noah grabbed the phone from him and threw it at a wall. Luke turned and went to ran past Noah, only to be tripped. He used his hands to catch his fall again, which was a bad idea when this time he felt and heard something crack in his already throbbing wrist. Noah flipped him onto his back again and straddled him once again.

Luke could see there were a few cuts on his stomach from all the glass, even a piece of sticking out of his left side. It wasn't big but it still killed like hell. Luke found his wrists to be above his head once again, but this time, they were tied up. He looked to see a tie, tied tightly around his wrists, almost cutting off circulation to his hands. The most he struggled to pull his hands free, the tighter the bounds seemed to get.

He then heard the zipper of his pants and looked to see what Noah was doing. Of course, he already knew what he was doing. He squearmed to try and free himself from Noah, but it was no use. Noah was pressing down on his legs.

"Noah, please stop." Luke cried, tears now running down his cheeks as he closed his eyes.

Noah didn't seem to listen as he tugged on Luke's pants, pulling them down, along with his boxers. Though his hands were tied together, Luke used them to try and push away from Noah, but it was no use. Just as Noah was about to take Luke's cock into his mouth, Luke's phone started vibrating on the floor, not too far from them. They both looked over at it and then back at each other. Noah leaned closer to Luke's face.

"Who did you call?"


"Then who did you text?"

"Who do you think?"

Luke saw something flicker in Noah's eyes and suddenly he was choking him. Luke used his bound hands to try and pull Noah's hands away from his neck while trying to get air into his lungs. It was over as soon as it started. One of Noah's hands stayed near Luke's neck, just over his shoulder and pressed down while the other he grabbed a fist full of Luke's hair. Luke was coughing, trying to get air while wincing in pain from the pulling of his hair.

"I'm going to make you forget all about him."

Luke was feeling a little up for a verbal fight, knowing it was better then what Noah was probably planning on doing. He looked back up at Noah, smirked and gave a little laugh.

"Reid's twice the man you are."

"Is that why he rejected your offer to come inside after your date tonight?"

"You don't know anything about what we were talking about."

"Sure I do. I was listening." Noah smirked, "You were talking about me and how you could never forget or ever want to forget what we had together. That's why I'm here, baby."

Luke snorted, "I'm with Reid, that's not going to change."

Suddenly, Noah snarled. his grip on Luke's hair tightened when he lifted Luke's head up and slammed it back down onto the wooden floor. Luke's vision blurred again and he was having troubles thinking. Noah slammed his head onto the floor once more before releasing his hair and moving back down his body. Luke could hear and feel everything that was happened around him and too him, but he was still having troubles breathing and seeing straight.

Then there was burning and pain as Noah forced himself into Luke. Luke lost all track of time and his surrounding as he could feel himself starting to black out. And then his eyes popped open when all the pain and burning stopped. He watched as Noah fixed his own pants back up and then Luke's. Noah saw him watching him and smirked, leaning back over him. He kissed him hard. Luke closed his eyes again, knowing his face was covered with tears because he had been crying the whole time, wishing it to all just stop.

And then it did. Noah was pulled away from him from someone. He opened his eyes to find Noah fighting with someone. The other guy had his back to Luke, but Luke could see the auburn hair and knew exactly who he was. The last thing he remembered before passing out was hearing Reid tell Noah to never touch him again.

"Don't you dare touch him again!" Reid barked, keeping himself between Noah and Luke.

Noah laughed, "What are you going to do about it? You wouldn't risk hurting one of your hands with fighting me, would you?"

Reid just stood there and Noah laughed again. He stepped around Reid, walked right passed Luke and was about to head out the door when Margo walked in.

"Noah Mayer, you're under arrest for the assault of Luke Snyder."

Margo turned Noah around and cuffed him just as Casey came rushing into the house. Reid was already at Luke's side when Casey knelt next to him.

"Dude, I wasn't sure if he actually meant Noah had attacked him." he whispered, looking over his best friend.

"Looks like he did more then that." Reid looked over Luke's body as well.

"How did you know?" Casey looked at the doctor.

"I was returning to talk with Luke and saw what was happening."

"Oh." Casey said, looking back at an unconsious Luke, "He texted me and I told my mom."

Just then the paramedics came rushing into the room. Reid pulled Casey away so the paramedics could do their jobs. Reid wanted to help, but he knew it would not be right since he was dating Luke. He knew he would be able to separate his feelings for Luke and just be a doctor, but he didn't want to take the chance. He watches as the paramedics checked over all of Luke's injuries and then he helped them get him onto the gurney and headed for the hospital, where he stayed with Luke the whole time, until he was wheeled into a room. He pulled a nurse that was about to head into the room and told her something. She nodded and headed away from the room.

Casey then walked up to him, "I called his parents."

Reid nodded, not really caring. He watched through the window into Luke's hospital room as a doctor and two other nurses worked to clean him up. Just then the nurse he had sent away returned and walked into the room, telling the doctor and other nurses what Reid had told her. The doctor looked from Luke to Reid through the window and nodded. The nurses left the room and the doctor left inside pulled the certain around Luke's bed.

"What is that about?" Casey asked

"Nothing that concerns you right now." Reid mumbled, keeping his eyes on Luke's room even though he was not able to see anything.

About twenty minutes later, three things happened. First, the doctor finished and left the room, handing off something to a nurse, who rushed off with it. Second, Luke's parents came rushing down the hall with Margo and Bob right behind them. Third, there was a scream from Luke's hospital room. Luke's doctor, Reid and Bob all rushed inside. Luke was sitting up and struggling with the IVs hooked to him.

Reid rushed to him and placed his hands on Luke's shoulders. Luke screamed again and pulled away from Reid. A nurse came in with a sedative that Luke's doctor stuck into his IV. Within seconds, Luke was knocked out. Reid moved him so he was laying back onto his pillow. The three doctors looked at each other then left the room, telling the nurse to stay with him.

"What happened to my baby?" Lily shreked as soon as the three doctors exited the room.

"He was attacked." Casey pipped up.

"By who?" Holden asked

"Noah." Casey replied again.

"Noah? Why would Noah attack him?" Lily asked

Casey shrugged, "Luke sent me this text." he pulled the text up and handed it to Holden, who read it out loud to everyone else.

Case, Noah is drunk, just attacked me. Call police please.

"I don't think the attack ended when he sent that." Margo said

"No. I walked in and saw Noah hovering over him." Reid replied, "I pulled him off and we were arguing when you walked in."

Margo nodded.

"Why didn't he call the police himself?" Holden asked

"I assume he thought he could get a text out faster then a call." Casey said

It was now late at night and Reid was inside Luke's room, sitting in a chair, watching him. He was not on call and had told Katie that he would be staying at the hospital with Luke, after telling her what had happened to Luke. His head popped up when Bob stepped inside.

"Reid, can I speak with you in the hall for a moment."

Reid stood and followed Bob out into the hall. Lily and Holden were there and so was the nurse that Reid had talked to earlier. The nurse had a folder with her and as soon as she saw Reid, she hand the folder to him.

"Test results. Sorry, he asked what they were for." she then rushed off.

Reid looked at the file and flipped it open, reading what it said.

"Dr. Oliver," Bob spoke, "I would like to know why you ordered a rape kit for Luke."

"What?" both Lily and Holden almost shouted

"Because, it was needed." Reid handed the folder over to Bob, who quickly read it as well.

Bob looked at Reid and then turned to Lily and Holden. Lily looked like she was about to fall to pieces and Holden had his arms wrapped around her waist, keeping her from falling to the floor. Reid knew that they already knew the results just from what he had said when he handed the results over to Bob.

"Noah raped him?" Lily asked in such a low whisper, they almost didn't catch what she had said.

"Yes." Reid answered

"How did you know?" Holden asked

"I didn't. Not really." Reid replied, looking at Holden, "When I found Noah hovering over Luke, he was kissing him. Seeing the room the way it was, I knew something was not right. After Margo arrested Noah, I was checking over Luke's injuries when I noticed his belt and pants were undone. I just put two and two together."

After answering a few more questions from Bob, Lily and Holden; Reid returned to Luke's room where he knew he was going to stay for the night. Not just because he wanted to make sure that Luke was okay, but because he didn't think he would be able to go home and get some sleep when Luke was in the hospital like this. He sat down in the chair he had been sitting in earlier and just watched Luke sleep.
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