USITT Costume Commission Symposium--Sneak Peak!

Aug 07, 2009 07:00

Well, dang. I wrote this entry last night late and attempted to post it, but the hotel wireless was on the fritz. So, here's my second attempt, on my way out the door this morning:

Aight y'all, it is late and i have just gotten home from an 11-hour day at the symposium followed by barhopping, so forgive me for not posting a serious well-composed write-up of Day One. (The subject of the symposium is bighead/walkaround/full-head creature masks, and puppetry/macropuppetry.)

I do have over 50 photos already, and will be reporting in-depth on the whole event as soon as i have time to do something besides, you know, attend it and sleep...but for now, i've simply got some initial teaser photos, from the Puppet and Mask collection here at Ohio University, all of which were on display today during the intro section of the symposium!

This guy greeted us as we came in the door...

Elephant head suspended from ceiling, plus other masks/puppets

Unfortunately this is overexposed, a giant wig with a ship in it.

She's about 10' tall.

I've got posts coming soon on the workshops, in which we are making creature heads using a range of methods and materials! First though, i have to sleep, for real. And do it all over again tomorrow.

masks, macropuppets

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