I'm hanging around in the engineering library, waiting for April to come back. She works behind the front desk, and I want to ask her some questions about a psych project we are working on together
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I keep not commenting on this post because that particular viewpoint tends to fill me with a slightly inappropriate amount of ranting self-righteous rage.
Here's what I keep telling myself: the democratic presidential candidates just attended the first LGBT forum (I'll try to forget that it was a bit disappointing and just be thrilled that it happened). I am amazed by how much has changed just within the last few years.The christian right is losing this one fast. I'm sure you'll speak up if or when you feel the time is right, but keep in mind that a rational person is likely to be embarrassed when realizing that they have unknowingly stomped on your morality. Sooner rather than later might be kinder...if that's what you're going for.
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Here's what I keep telling myself: the democratic presidential candidates just attended the first LGBT forum (I'll try to forget that it was a bit disappointing and just be thrilled that it happened). I am amazed by how much has changed just within the last few years.The christian right is losing this one fast. I'm sure you'll speak up if or when you feel the time is right, but keep in mind that a rational person is likely to be embarrassed when realizing that they have unknowingly stomped on your morality. Sooner rather than later might be kinder...if that's what you're going for.
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