Who: Billy and Teddy, with a later appearance by Charles Xavier and whoever else is at the mansion when they get there?
What: It's fighting time! And also hurting time 8D
Where: Places around Prom, the mansion. Yay for teleporting!
When: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Warnings: People getting hurt bad, blood, blood loss 8D Probably a lot of sap too
Young Avengers assemble! All... two of them. )
Comments 61
He was just clearing up the last of some freakish bone-hands reaching through a crash and cramming it full of debris when he heard Billy. Looking up, Teddy smiled back.
"I'm fine. I heal fast."
He started to float up in the air, since keeping away from the ground seemed like the better idea instead of walking. "You ready to get out of here?"
"I was ready the moment this all started."
He speeds up a little once the coast looks clear, moving on ahead a little bit since he can throw up a shield should they run into anything.
He doesn't see one of those large snakes lying in wait on the other side of a building, not until it's already on him. It's not a tiny one either, head about half the size of Billy's entire being.
One second, he thinks they're safe for the moment. The next, a giant snake is biting into him, a fang piercing all the way through.
Pain explodes and he lets out a scream even if he doesn't hear himself yell. His mind is all in a jumble, trying to process what's going on, what's happening, wrong, wrong, pain, bad.
Billy's reaction is pure survival instinct kicking in, slamming his hands against the thing and laying on as much electricity as he can, focusing it down and away from himself without having to think about it much from lots of practice.
Big and green, Hulkling had been tearing through those freakish centipedes with corpses attached while Billy was fighting another creature. He vanished around the corner of the mansion during the fight and hadn't spoken up or come back in a few moments.
Teddy's mental cry might just be a startling one. And if someone goes looking, they'll find a rather large spider and a couple other monsters grouped together trying to get at something. A green arm can be seen between a few of them...
"Billy..." it's faint and pained. Not a good sign at all.
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