Story in the Making [27/?]

Sep 06, 2014 23:34

Didn't take so long, but the next might.

Previous Chapter

Daehyun felt drained. He hadn’t thought that one round of sex could drain him more than hours and hours of dancing and performing could. But he supposed that it was the strong emotional component in all of it.

It wasn’t something pleasant for Youngjae as he felt Daehyun pull out of him, as it just felt…well, gross. It was an odd sensation for Daehyun to suddenly withdraw from him and he didn’t understand it at first but didn’t think to question it as the elder man moved to lay on his back, moving to rest his head on his chest. Just before Daehyun reached over for his phone to do something that he felt was vital to this new relationship of theirs, vital to what they became, he made sure that Youngjae was covered up, tucking the blanket in around him. Without thinking to explain it to Youngjae first, Daehyun dialed the familiar number and held the phone to his ear.

Confusion swelled with Youngjae as he watched this man whom had just taken his virginity begin to call someone and it wasn’t until he heard the grating voice on the other end did that confusion suddenly be replaced with anger. His chest began to ache immediately because he couldn’t believe that right after they had made love-at least that’s what Youngjae had thought was what they had been doing.

“Mm, oppa? It’s so late…do you need something?” Youngjae heard the coy tone and it made him physically ill.

Even though he was doing this, Daehyun brought the man closer to him, his arm around his shoulder. This was probably a mistake to be doing this right after having sex, but he wanted to wake up the next morning was no regrets. Since they had become friends long ago, Youngjae had always come first and that sure as hell wasn’t changing now.

“Heehyoung-ah…” It was obvious that he had just had sex. “I’m sorry if I woke you.”

“No, no, oppa. It’s okay. Can I help with something?” She was obviously half asleep and she could hear Daehyun’s husky tone, assuming that it meant one thing. She didn’t pick up on the formal tone with which he spoke to her.

“There’s something that I need to talk to you about.” His eyes closed as his fingers began to slide through Youngjae’s hair, feeling the younger man’s gaze on him and knowing that until he finished this, this was going to sound and look bad. “I don’t think…you and I are going to work out.”

There was guilt pooling in Daehyun’s stomach as he broke up with this sweet girl for the second time without any explanation.

“O-oppa…” Her voice broke and Youngjae had to bite back a smile at the sound of it, having realized just what it was that Daehyun was saying and doing to this woman. Despite it being a terrible time to do so, he felt satisfaction that he was once again being chosen over this woman.

“You’re a sweet girl, but…I don’t think we really work together.”

“Fine. Don’t ever call me again, you selfish prick.” Obviously, she was a bitter one. Once the line was disconnected, Youngjae had to press his face into Daehyun’s chest to muffle his laughter.

Daehyun was still feeling guilty even as he tossed the phone back to his own bed. He turned to Youngjae and smiled, shaking his head as he heard the soft laughter from the other man. “You’re terrible, Yoo Youngjae.” Even as he said this, he kissed the top of his head, watching as the man curled closer to him and he realized right then that all the guilt was washed away. Sure, what he had done was quite of a prick thing to do, but he had done it for his Precious Boy and there was nothing more important in the entirety of the universe than the man in his arms.

Youngjae hadn’t meant to laugh and he’s sure that he was going to end up in hell one day for it, but he couldn’t help himself. He gave a tired smile as he tipped his head up to look at the man he was currently laying on. “You enable me, Jung Daehyun.”

Daehyun took a moment to take in the sight of his best friend; hair mussed, skin flushed, lips swollen and everything just screamed that he’d been fucked and he’d never been prouder of a sight in his life. He didn’t think too much on it, though, instead focusing on the way that Youngjae’s lips curved up into a smile and his eyes shone with mirth despite how tired he was. “I shouldn’t encourage you. But…y’know, I always loved you more.” His voice dropped to a soft murmur.

The younger man’s heart skipped a beat and his soft gaze turned elsewhere for a moment. “Does…that mean we’re together now?”

There was no way to stop the smile that spread over Daehyun’s mouth as his fingers gently brushed aside Youngjae’s hair, “Do you…want to be with me like that?”

They were both beginning to fall asleep, but this was something that couldn’t wait. It had to be the finish to a night that had started out stressful and terrible and turned into something quite beautiful. But Daehyun would wait until his Precious Boy fell asleep first.

“I…I really do. I’m certain of it this time.” Youngjae didn’t feel the same doubts or the same insecurities that came with being with a man and he never should have had them in the first place. And now that they were gone…he was so happy and now looking forward to being someone that could be called Daehyun’s. “I want that badly, Mister.”

“Then you’re mine.” Daehyun said as though there was nothing to argue about even though he knew, at this point, Youngjae wouldn’t argue against it anyway. He gave Youngjae a gentle kiss, his fingers drifting over the soft flesh and anywhere he could reach. “And tomorrow you’re going to wake up my boyfriend…” He saw how Youngjae had already begun drifting off, already closed his eyes and begun to sleep, but before he did, Daehyun had to make one thing clear, “I like it when you’re needy…” He managed in a soft whisper before he let himself drift off to sleep.


It was the next morning that the last words from Daehyun’s beautiful lips were an assurance of what he’d been fearing the entire time that they’d been making love. It was after that thought did Youngjae realize just where he was laying even though his eyes had not yet opened. His head still rest against Daehyun’s shoulder and chest, his arm over his chest to secure himself even though those strong arms were doing quite a dandy job at making sure that stayed the case.

“Good morning, Precious Boy.” Daehyun said softly in a sleep-husky voice even though he’d been laying there for quite a while, just watching the man whom he held in his arms. He had noticed that Youngjae was awake when his breath had hitched and his body had tensed as though coming to terms with what they had done the previous night. There was still the fear of rejection that bloomed within the elder man’s chest. “How’d my beautiful boyfriend sleep?” He was going to try, though. He was going to push until Youngjae understood. What they had done the night before was special and serious and Daehyun wasn’t going to let that escape him if he could help it.

Very slowly, Youngjae’s large brown eyes opened to glance up at the man that he was pressed again, naked and warm against his form and not wanting to admit just how much he enjoyed the feel of their bodies pressed against one another-even though it was impossible to deny at this point.

“We don’t have schedules today…I was thinking,” And Daehyun had done a bit of thinking since he had woken up before Youngjae and had been thinking on how he could make it clear that what they had was serious and a real relationship even if most of his plans meant they wouldn’t be leaving the bed if he could help it. Now that Daehyun had gotten a taste of just how amazing sex was, how amazing sex with Youngjae was, he wanted more of it. While he’d never push the other if that wasn’t mutual, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try for it.

Youngjae was still silent, even as he gazed up at the man whose seed still resided within his body. Even though there was no denying what had transpired between the two of them, he stayed silent and just waited for his best friend-his boyfriend?-to continue his sentence.

“I was thinking…that maybe we could go out.” That wasn’t what Youngjae was expecting, but he let no surprised all over his expression. He was hiding all emotions and thoughts from his best friend as he couldn’t seem weak, couldn’t give in and show Daehyun just how he was feeling about this whole arrangement even though it was quite obvious that they had stepped into territory that was far more serious than just being friends. “I wanted to treat you…”

“So last night you were serious?” Those were the first words that Youngjae spoke, slowly pushing himself to sit up and yet regretting it immediately. When he sat up, he bared the come that was obviously his own and it covered both of their abdomens, dried and caked and starting to peel when he sat up and his pudgy stomach folded. He was quick to grab a bit of the blanket and cover himself with it, promptly ignoring the partial morning erections that they both had as normal and healthy men. That didn’t help him ignore the odd sensation of come dripping from his entrance, making him feel somewhat dirty and just overall…gross. What if Daehyun had caught something from Heehyoung or maybe even another woman that he had been with-was he with any other woman? “Are we really together?”

The fact that his Precious Boy had thought he had to ask was surprising to Daehyun because that wasn’t something he thought that they had to clarify. They had the brief conversation before falling to sleep that they’d be together and that they’d be boyfriends. He couldn’t wait to tell their friends and he was actually both nervous and excited, an intense sort of anxious to tell his elder brother that he was in a relationship-albeit with a man-but was happy even though it’d just started.

“Youngjae…” Daehyun spoke softly as he sat up, looking over his boyfriend’s face and gently lifting his fingers to caress his cheek, never tiring of touching him. He didn’t expect the way that Youngjae flinched back, though. His eyes widened and his plump lips parted in surprise, hurt evident over his expression.

“Relationships that start with sex never end well.” That might be true, but neither of them could claim that their relationship had started with sex. They were best friends for a long while before they’d moved on to something serious. They had kissed and tried this before. They didn’t just rush into this.

“I…” Truthfully, he didn’t know what he was supposed to say and he felt somewhat unsure of himself at this point, especially as they were both sitting naked in bed together, evidence of their lovemaking marring their skin.

Youngjae didn’t have anything to say either. He felt that it was Daehyun’s place to say something and yet the man looked at him with something akin to confusion and Youngjae wasn’t sure that he wanted to see that expression. Not when he was very well feeling unsure of himself. He made a move to get out of the bed, intending to take the blanket with him because he didn’t want Daehyun to see how much of a mess his body was.

“Wait.” Daehyun spoke just as he reached out and wrapped his hand around Youngjae’s forearm, keeping the man from leaving the bed and taking the blanket from both of them. “Youngjae, please…I was serious last night. I mean, I broke up with Heehyoung…for you.” Even though that had happened before they had stated anything, it was still for Youngjae.

The younger man didn’t look too convinced, but he also didn’t pull away and actually sat comfortably on the bed once again, the blanket pulled up high on his chest to cover himself even though Daehyun did take pleasure from seeing the smooth skin.

“I’ll prove it to you.” Daehyun shifted on the bed, pushing up to sit on his knees with the blanket still barely covering his lap. “I’ll take you out on a date! Wherever you want to go, Precious Boy.” Obviously, he was somewhat desperate. In truth, he just couldn’t stomach another rejection when it was obvious that he was so into Youngjae and was so for them being together if Youngjae would just give him the chance.

And Youngjae supposed that he could, but…he chewed along his bottom lip, his fingers lifting to tug at it as well and it was the gentle touch from the man that he had just shared a bed with that jolted him from his reverie. Countless times did he feel such a touch and each time, Youngjae felt startled. But this single touch did more than just startle him. The gentleness behind it was something he wasn’t new to, but something he thought he could get used to in a more intimate manner.

“Okay…” Youngjae tried not to smile at the bright grin that grew on his best friend’s face, especially as he was growing more embarrassed by the state that they were in and the sensation of Daehyun’s come sliding from his body. “But I choose where.”

His response was a laugh.

Next Chapter

genre: romance, pairing: daejae, title: sitm, genre: friendship, rating: pg-13, status: work in progress, group: b.a.p.

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