With Intent, part 2

Aug 28, 2021 20:00

Part 1

Lorne walked slowly down the corridor, idly fingering the firearm clipped to his tac vest. It was late, really late. Or maybe early, depending on which end of the day you were looking from. He had pulled a night patrol shift, no huge imposition considering he couldn’t sleep anyway. When he lay down it was all he could do to keep his hands off himself, images of Parrish dancing across his mind’s eye. If he managed to sleep, he dreamed. A tall, lean body next to his, lips against his ear, trailing down his throat, a wandering hand creeping over his chest and stomach.

No, better to be awake and occupied. He waved his hands over a couple of door sensors. Neither opened. All secure here.

Did Parrish know what he did to Lorne when he said things like he had said in the armoury? Did he realise the effects his words had on Lorne, turning him to incoherent jelly, switched on and wanting? If he didn’t, well, it was all on Lorne, and he had to find a way to stop melting in the man’s presence. It was either that or take one of them off the team, and Lorne didn’t think he could do that without both having to explain it to his C.O. and his team, and without dying a little inside, knowing he would no longer legitimately have any time with Parrish at all.

But if he did? If Parrish was fully aware of his effect on Lorne? What did that mean? It could mean that Parrish just took great pleasure in tormenting him. Lorne couldn’t see that; Parrish was much too decent to be intentionally cruel. So the only other option was that he knew, he enjoyed it, and he wanted Lorne to react.

Lorne’s breath left him in a whoosh and he needed to lean on the wall for a minute. Maybe Parrish wasn’t just playing then. Maybe he meant it when he said those things. Maybe Lorne needed to find out if he really was serious.

Maybe he needed to get Parrish alone, and flirt back.

Lorne strode into the mess hall, grabbing a bottle of water on the way past the food trays and scoping out the tables. There was Parrish, at a table on the outside deck, a salad and drink in front of him. But leaning hipshot on the table beside his tray was the Colonel. Sheppard was lean and angular, the strap of his thigh holster emphasizing the long line of his legs, his shirt opened at the throat and showing a little curl of dark chest hair.

Lorne hesitated, but grabbed his courage with both hands and approached anyway.

“Colonel, you really should try them,” Parrish was saying, his fingertips trailing over his lips as he smiled. “The berries are reputed to increase your …” he quickly darted his gaze down and then up again, over Sheppard’s suggestive pose, “… robustness,” Parrish finished and licked his lips.

Sheppard grinned and examined his fingernails. “I may just take you up on that, Doc,” he said. His grin widened as the head of sciences for the base walked past. “What do you think, Rodney? Think I could use some of those berries that Pangan’s team brought back? The ones they eat at those ceremonies?”

McKay hesitated a moment, a blush colouring his cheeks. “If you think we would both survive, maybe.”

Sheppard laughed and pushed himself off of the table to follow McKay out, grabbing a handful of the berries as he left. Lorne came closer and deposited his water bottle on the table.

“Doc,” he said, leaning on the table in front of Parrish.

“Major Lorne, just who I was hoping to see today,” Parrish replied, pushing the bowl of purplish berries toward him. “Have a berry.” He grinned a little wickedly.

Lorne dropped his voice to barely a whisper, harsh and guttural. “Do you mean it?”

Parrish hesitated, brows creasing. “Do I mean it? Yes, absolutely, you should definitely have a berry. So should I. Then we can see if the rumours are really true.” He took a small sip of his drink.

“The flirting. Are you flirting with me? Do you mean to?”

Parrish ducked his head and glanced up through his eyelashes. “Oh, you mean, do I flirt with you for fun, or do I flirt with intentions.” He looked back up at the stormy look on Lorne’s face and said quietly, “What would you do if I said yes, I meant it?”

Lorne pressed his lips together and breathed harshly through his nose. Finally he said, “I would like that.”

Parrish’s smile widened. “Good. That’s … that’s good.” He tilted his face up to Lorne’s, only a few inches away. “I mean it. I’ve always meant it. I’ve been hoping you’d finally, even once, just flirt back and give me something to go on.”

Lorne sat down heavily. His hands stayed on the table, palms down as if still leaning for support, eyes on the table top. He took a deep breath and said to the tabletop, “Hey, come here often?” He risked a glance up at Parrish’s face.

Who was grinning delightedly.

Lorne kept gazing into those dancing eyes and said, “That uniform really brings out your eyes.”

Parrish chuckled but kept silent.

“So,” Lorne decided to go for broke. “Your place or mine?”

Parrish stood up. “Which is closer?” he asked.

Lorne paced his quarters, waiting for Parrish. He’d made the other man sit back down and wait ten minutes before following. Not for the looks of it, no, no need for that, not with the military commander and the scientific head practically living in each other’s pockets on a regular basis. What Lorne needed was time to get a grip on himself, time to calm down and maybe try speaking like a reasonably sane person, something he could never quite manage around Parrish.

He took a deep breath and sat down on the end of his bed, covering his face with both hands, then jumped up again, heart racing, when the chime to his door sounded.

“Come,” he squeaked, then cleared his throat and spoke again, more clearly this time. “Come in.” This time the doors understood him.

The doors parted and Parrish stepped in, hands clasped in front of him. “Major,” he said in greeting.

Lorne had to smile. “Maybe you should call me Evan,” he said, taking a step forward.

“Evan,” Parrish said, his voice low and breathy. He reached out and put his hand on Lorne’s forearm, squeezing slightly. “I’m David.”

“David, yes, I know,” Lorne said, his arm muscles twitching, his leg bouncing slightly.

Lorne twitched harder and Parrish let go, snatching his hand back to his chest. His eyebrows came together in a puzzled look. “I’m sorry, have I …? Do you not want…?”

“No!” Lorne blurted, taking another step toward Parrish.

“No? You don’t? I thought … when we talked in the mess, I thought maybe …”

“No, I do, I do … want,” Lorne stuttered. “I do. It’s just … you make me very … I’m just nervous. Around you.”

Parrish smiled a little, his eyes warming again. “I make you nervous. How could I possibly make you nervous? You’re the one with all the guns!”

Lorne had to smile at that. “Can’t shoot my way out of nerves.”

Parrish sidled closer, tentatively reaching out again and running his fingertips down Lorne’s bicep. “Evan, you’re so … you are a very, very good-looking man. I’ve been waiting for you to notice me for so long.”

“Notice you,” he spluttered, barking a harsh laugh. “How could I keep from noticing you! You are the only thing I notice anymore.” He shook his head slowly. “I can’t see anything but you. One look from you and I,” he puffed his breath out, “I … my heart races, my stomach jumps. I want you to …”

Parrish took another step closer, tightening his fingers on Lorne’s arm and rubbing his thumb back and forth over the back of his hand. He leaned in to Lorne’s ear and said, “Want me to what, Evan?”

Lorne’s eyes slammed shut as he swayed toward the taller man. “Want you to want me too,” he whispered.

“I do,” Parrish said, brushing his lips over Lorne’s as he spoke. He wrapped his other arm around Lorne’s shoulder and gently pulled him closer.

Lorne wrapped both arms around Parrish and yanked him against himself, his lips crashing onto Parrish’s with no finesse whatsoever. His lips parted and he swallowed Parrish’s grunt of surprise, then licked his way inside Parrish’s waiting mouth.

Parrish quickly got with the program, tightening his embrace and kissing back, sucking lightly on Lorne’s tongue and insinuating his hands under Lorne’s jacket, pulling his shirt from his waistband, exposing hot skin. Lorne whined softly through his nose.

“Wait,” Parrish gasped, tearing his mouth away from Lorne’s and pushing firmly on his biceps, creating distance. “Wait.”

“What?” Lorne said, pushing close again, chasing after Parrish’s lips again.

“Clothes,” Parrish said firmly. He took another step back and reached behind himself to pull off his shirt, then stood watching Lorne, equally sure the other man would either follow suit or turn tail and run. He grinned when he saw Lorne quickly shrug out of his jacket and then pull off his own shirt. Swiftly both men shed the rest of their clothes, then stood, panting, watching each other warily, waiting for the other to take the first step.

“We can stop, if you-" Parrish started to say, raising his hands in a ‘calm the natives’ stance.

“Don’t stop now, I want-” Lorne said at the same time, reaching for Parrish.

Parrish chuckled, his hardening cock bobbing. Lorne’s eyes were riveted. He slowly stepped forward, one step then another, and dropped to his knees.

He ran his hands lightly up Parrish’s long thighs, dragging his nails over Parrish’s pale skin and watching as his cock rose toward the heat of his mouth, the head of his cock leaking a small drop of pearlescent fluid. He leaned close and licked it up, then sucked Parrish’s cock head into his mouth.

Parrish gasped Lorne’s name, “Evan!”, then dropped his hands to Lorne’s shoulders, hanging on as if for dear life. His fingers dug into Lorne’s shoulders, then carded up through Lorne’s hair, cupping his skull and running fingers over his distended cheeks, feeling his own cock through Lorne’s skin. Parrish whimpered.

“Stop, stop, please,” Parrish whispered. Lorne dropped Parrish’s cock, looking up in confusion. “Bed, now,” he continued, “or this’ll be over way too fast.”

Lorne smiled, rolled to his feet and grabbed Parrish’s hand and pulled. He sat down on the bed and scooted backward, pulling Parrish with him. The other man landed on top with a huff, chest to chest, hip to hip, and kissed him again, deep and slow. Soon Parrish started rocking his hips against Lorne, pulling up a knee and rubbing his cock against Lorne’s, his breathing deep and ragged.

Lorne ran his hands down Parrish’s back, cupping his hands over Parrish’s ass cheeks, squeezing and pulling his hips in tight against his own, squeezing their cocks together between their stomachs. Parrish propped himself up a little and got a hand between them, gathering up both cocks in his one long-fingered hand and pressed them together, small pumping strokes up and down. Sweat and pre-ejaculate eased the friction to a hot, dragging glide. He swiped his thumb over the head of Lorne’s cock, then his own on the next stroke, smearing the fluid down the shafts.

A low groan escaped Lorne, his fingertips digging into Parrish’s ass. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, please, oh fuck, yeah, fuck me,” he moaned.

“Next time,” Parrish moaned, “too close now.” Lorne’s cock twitched and his ass clenched at the implied promise. Next time would be as soon as possible if Lorne had his way.

“Yeah, yeah,” Parrish chanted, speeding his hand up at the same time.

Lorne felt the wave of orgasm starting to crash over him, running up his chest and down his legs and making his fingers and toes tingle. He clutched at Parrish’s shoulder with one hand and his lovely handful of ass cheek with the other, trying to pull Parrish as close as possible. His balls contracted and suddenly he was coming, pulsing warm fluid over his own belly and Parrish’s fingers. His breath left him in a whoosh on Parrish’s name, “David…”

“God, yes!” Parrish cried and came as well, curling over Lorne as his cock striped Lorne’s already wet belly, pumping shot after shot over Parrish’s fist. Finally Parrish dropped both softening members and sagged down on top of Lorne’s body, tucking his face into Lorne’s neck. “Evan,” he slurred, “so good.” Lorne brought his arms up and around the other man’s shoulders, holding him tightly.

Eventually Parrish stirred and started to push up and away from Lorne. Lorne reflexively held on tighter until Parrish growled, “Washcloth, bathroom,” and let go. Parrish tested every limb and joint as he stood, then made his way unsteadily toward the small head to find something to wash with. He came back with a flannel, swiped at both his own belly and Lorne’s, then tossed the cloth over his shoulder and climbed back on the bed.

“That was…” he began.

“Yeah, it really was,” Lorne replied, turning onto his side and tucking the taller man into his chest, arms around his shoulders, and pulling the sheet over top of them both. “So will you still flirt with me now?” he asked, only half-way joking.

“Depends,” Parrish answered on a yawn, reaching a hand down to squeeze Lorne’s ass. “Will you bring me flowers again?”

Lorne laughed. “Anything, if it’ll get you to do that again.” If it means you fuck me next time, I’ll bring you a whole garden, he thought. Out loud, he yawned, “…a garden…” and trailed off.

“That and anything else we can think of, Evan.” Parrish said slowly, drowsing. “What garden?” he said, as his breath evened out and he sank into sleep.

Lorne followed him down.

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