Get House Laid fest prompt 76

Sep 14, 2008 16:35

Title: Phoning It In
Author: l57371 
Pairing: House/Wilson
Word count: 4630 give or take
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Phone abuse
Spoilers: House and Wilson shared an abode at one point.  Did you know that?
Summary: House overhears a phone call.
Beta: The indomitable starlingthefool  who is the fastest beta ever, and whom I love unconditionally.

House popped his front wheel and ( Read more... )


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Comments 45

cindy_lou_who8 September 14 2008, 23:26:48 UTC
That was hot! :) Thanks for sharing!


l57371 September 17 2008, 18:09:39 UTC
Thank you, and you're most welcome.


addicted2hugh September 14 2008, 23:38:12 UTC
l57371 September 17 2008, 18:09:51 UTC
Heh, thanks.


shambolicasfuck September 14 2008, 23:38:59 UTC
that was totally HAWT!
great job.


l57371 September 17 2008, 18:10:02 UTC
Merci beaucoup!


magie_05 September 14 2008, 23:50:40 UTC
AWW well this was awesome! Loved it! Guh, I gotta watch that living-together arc again; you just KNOW there was some serious tension there :)


l57371 September 17 2008, 18:10:24 UTC
Thank you!


nekyia_11 September 14 2008, 23:53:16 UTC
OMFG this is why the fanfic was invented. So hot. So sweet and even funny. Also, I want my braincells back. Please? Good job indeed, thanks for sharing!!

“What are you wearing?” --> This is one of the bestest quotes to finish a fic. EVER.


mr_liam_to_you September 14 2008, 23:56:38 UTC
Also, I want my braincells back.
Lmao, iawtc.


l57371 September 17 2008, 18:10:47 UTC
Sorry, they're mine now. I need all I can get!


nekyia_11 September 17 2008, 19:44:45 UTC
Okay okay, after this fic, I think you deserve it!!


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