Title: Crooked Pairing: Hermione/Luna Prompt: mistletoe/nargles Words: 285 Rating: G Warnings: silly fluff Notes: This was written for sortinghatdrabs this week; cuuuuute drabbles this time. I ♥ Luna.
^.^ You know, I totally voted for this to win first place! :D I really liked your drabble the best.
On an unrelated note, I was poking around insanejournal today and I found a Percy/Ginny fic. <.< Not sure if you've read it, but I thought you might like it if you haven't. *reading it right now*
and THANK YOU for the percy/ginny rec... holy GOD that was filthy and bad and perfect. wish i could comment how much, i totally don't have an IJ account, haha. but... gah! the end was beautiful, with george... mwahahaha
o_o It was a great fic. I was hesitant to read it because I don't particularly care much for the pairing (no offense, of course), but WOW. It was perfect! Gah, the end made me totally want to ship Fred/George/Ginny. *gets fic ideas* >3 Bwhahaha...
Comments 12
You wrote a wonderful Luna. It's hard to find that :D
i don't believe i've ever been called enchanting ;)
On an unrelated note, I was poking around insanejournal today and I found a Percy/Ginny fic. <.< Not sure if you've read it, but I thought you might like it if you haven't. *reading it right now*
and THANK YOU for the percy/ginny rec... holy GOD that was filthy and bad and perfect. wish i could comment how much, i totally don't have an IJ account, haha. but... gah! the end was beautiful, with george... mwahahaha
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