Title: Against the Wind Pairing: Reid/JJ Prompt: tension via cm_het_drabble Rating: hard R Warnings: sexuality, mild language, implied infidelity, spoilers for JJ
"The only destination he has in mind is away, so he goes in broad, contracting circles like a spiral searching for its origin. He is aware that he won't find it, but it is in his nature to go deeper and deeper and deeper, to spin when the center drops out from inside of him, so he squints through the savage darkness and grips the wheel with both hands."
My god. Your writing is so utterly ... elegant. Spencer and JJ are perfectly, beautifully captured. Every action and every word just rings with authenticity. The way you capture them, both lost, both searching, is heartbreaking and gorgeous. Really, really lovely. Thank you so much for sharing.
Reid and JJ need to be treated so delicately as a ship, I think, because of the potential for feeding into abandoned CM writers' plotholes, but this. This is gorgeous and elegant and amazing. And such catharsis that the episode denied us. Love it.
Thank you so much! I definitely needed more closure with that episode, and while I didn't imagine they'd end it quite this way (*snort*), I was hoping for a little more with these two, considering their history.
Uhm. Now I'm going to have to write Reid + hooker + fisting. You do realize that, yes? Oh, man. Throw in some Dilaudid, and you've got yourself some grade-A angst pr0n. Mwahahahaha.
Seriously, thank you so much for your kind words; I'm so glad that you liked. I always love to write these two; I've got such a soft spot for them!
Comments 12
There's a raw emotion to it, the way they find each other and connect, that cannot be put down in simple words except...
Brilliant. Lovely. Harsh. True.
Thank you for sharing.
My god. Your writing is so utterly ... elegant. Spencer and JJ are perfectly, beautifully captured. Every action and every word just rings with authenticity. The way you capture them, both lost, both searching, is heartbreaking and gorgeous. Really, really lovely. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read & to comment; you're very generous. I'm glad that you enjoyed this... I always love writing them. ♥
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Uhm. Now I'm going to have to write Reid + hooker + fisting. You do realize that, yes? Oh, man. Throw in some Dilaudid, and you've got yourself some grade-A angst pr0n. Mwahahahaha.
Seriously, thank you so much for your kind words; I'm so glad that you liked. I always love to write these two; I've got such a soft spot for them!
Oh god, if you wrote it, like invaderk, I'd probably love it to pieces too.
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