Title: Untitled Pairing: Reid/Prentiss (sort of) Prompt: What is wrong with you? Rating: PG Words: 489 Warnings: A naughty word; spoilers for Minimal Loss
Oh, I love these. ♥ The first is my favorite, because I love both hurt/comfort stories and stories that show us consequences we didn't get to see following actual canon events. But they're all so well-written and so sweet. Thank you for sharing them!
Thank you for taking the time to read and to comment ♥ I'm so glad that you enjoyed them... I'm also fond of the "missing moment" sort of things, so I like to do that a lot!
Comments 5
Because you're fucking amazing, that's why.
Thank you, lovely; I'm glad that you liked these... I have entirely too much fun with drabble prompts, apparently, hahaha ♥
You are an amazing writer. ♥
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