Title: Blue
Pairing: Percy/Teddy (Sort of? Unrequited? Or not. You be the judge. Ha.)
Prompt: bound & gagged
Rating: PG13 for a spot of innuendo?
Words: ~300
Summary: The blue of Percy's eyes does not occur in nature or in vocabulary.
Warnings: Eh. Creepiness? Cross-gen implications?
snarkyscorp figured out my
wizard_love contribution before the reveals
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Comments 7
Have I mentioned lately that I love your writing? How you manage to say so much, so efficiently?
P.S. Figure I would let you know, that since I had plans for another Ron/Victoire piece...your drabble will be Ron-centric with spring...I'm thinking of adding a bit of blond males in there 0:)
Let me know if she ever shares that secret with you! And this one: How does she manages to make PG sound so freakin' dirty? :-)
I can make anything sound dirty :p
Gosh. I can't. D: You're so good. SO GOOD. With such a random pairing. ;-;!!! Teddy is fucking HOT SHIT and Percy is as;lahsgash PERCY as only you can write him. Guh. Guh. Would beg for more, but you know, I always doooo. <3 <3 Thank you, doll.
And you know how I love my Percy ♥
I'm sorry it isn't longer... these boys gave me a hard time! And not in the way I was fantasizing about ;)
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