...I miss the Chamber Singers ... I even remember when Jonathon first taught the Caffine Overload Polka to us first =P. And why am I not surprised that Chantelle got the solo at Town Hall, hahaha. Good to hear that she did an amazing job, though that's not particularly surprising either >.<
Hehe, and good to hear that everything going's well with you =).
As in, the Jonathon who wrote it? That's pretty cool! How did the school get a hold of him?
And yes, no surprise about Chantelle...Justin and I had earmarked this concert years ago, just to hear her play. Perhaps the best part though was when we all burst into rapturous applause, and although she probably gets that all the time, she still looked surprised at the strength of the reaction, and was very modest. And when her little sister came on and presented her with the flowers, she gave her this huge hug...lovely moment.
Awwwww! Ummm, I guess the Jonathon who wrote is the Australian guy right? The only Jonathon that taught it to us was the guy who took a few rehersals for Tasmania and was a judge at Canberra the year before that, 2005 I guess....maybe I'm mistaken though =P. He and Doc are chums though >.<, maybe >.
Yes, definitely a success. Both within, people getting inspired to live what they believe and to tell others about it, and without, with so many people engaging with the theme, and coming along to talks and asking questions. We'll continue to see that develop over the next couple of weeks, I imagine (and pray).
Comments 7
Hehe, and good to hear that everything going's well with you =).
And yes, no surprise about Chantelle...Justin and I had earmarked this concert years ago, just to hear her play. Perhaps the best part though was when we all burst into rapturous applause, and although she probably gets that all the time, she still looked surprised at the strength of the reaction, and was very modest. And when her little sister came on and presented her with the flowers, she gave her this huge hug...lovely moment.
And I loved the caffeine overload polka too! Especially Doc doing the movements along with the choir ...hilarious!
Did you find, overall, that Jesus Week was an evangelical success? Was the predominant reaction positive?
I bet Chantelle was good...I wish I could have seen her!!
*sniff* for Chamber Singers...I miss it so!
She was indeed amazing...and yes, I miss singing too. I want to do gospel again!
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