Nov 01, 2013 12:46

To participate, simply fill out the form below between 1-15 November and a wish-list from a community member will be assigned to you on the 16th. The deadline for the gifts themselves runs from 22-31 December.

Gifts Willing To Give:

*If you do not wish to enable your PM option on LJ, please include your email or DA name (in brackets) after your username-that way I can email you your giftee’s wish-list.

†A pinch-hitter is someone who offers to take the place of another if s/he has to unexpectedly drop out (aka a replacement, stand-in, or substitute).


    1. At least TWO (2) prompts must be ONE WORD only; however, exclamation combinations count as one. (e.g. Bloodbending!Katara, Waterbending!Zuko, Zutara!kids, Zutara!progeny, etc.)

    2. If you choose to write a longer prompt, it has to have a word limit of TWENTY (20) words. (e.g. “Zuko wants to propose to Katara, but something always comes up.”)

    3. Gifts can be any fandom medium―fics, icons, art, graphics, videos―but they must be original and not a copy of someone else’s work.

    4. Participants cannot expressively ask for a specific medium in their wish-list, and the gifters are free to interpret the prompt they choose however they like.

    5. There is a limit of FIVE (5) “No-No’s” on your wish-list entry. Pairings that break up Zutara are automatic no-no’s and you need not specify them. However, if you’re really adamant that your gift-giver not even hint at such pairings as Kataang, Maiko and Jetara, then you can list your objections. (e.g. “No canon pairings!”)

    6. You may choose to combine prompts, but this is not necessary or, strictly speaking, part of the rules. As a recipient/giftee, you can state in your “No-No’s” that you do not want your prompts combined in any way. (e.g. “No combining prompts!”)

    7. You may give more than one gift, but only choose one to be displayed during the posting dates. After that, it’s a free-for-all.

Remember that these are VIRTUAL gifts. Please refrain from purchasing anything for your recipient, as not everyone has the means to do so and no one should feel alienated when the real purpose here is to make a gift. And most importantly-have FUN! :)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sometimes real life has a way of kicking us in the arse, preventing us from doing what we intended, and drop-outs are an inevitable fact of life. However, I URGE you that before you sign-up, please think about whether or not you have the time to participate. If you believe you can, but extenuating circumstances arise and you just can’t meet the deadline, PLEASE PM me ASAP so that I can find a pinch-hitter or complete the gift myself. Do not wait until the last minute. Don’t leave someone hanging come holidays, ‘kay, bra? ^_~

Have questions? Please visit the FAQ for answers. :D

! wish-list, ! mod-post

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