Childhood Love (10/?)

Dec 23, 2010 13:35

Genre: Fluff, Romance
Pairings: main!Kyumin, quite-a-lot!Eunhae, minor!Yewook, mentions of other pairings
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This is the love and also life story (okay until their twenties) of Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Ryeowook. The story tells about how they grow up and closer and also how they will find their first and maybe ever-lasting love.

Kyuhyun yawned and stretched his small body. He looked around and was wondering how well he had slept. After the night before, that few hours next to Sungmin seemed like heaven. His hyung was still sleeping and Kyuhyun decided to do what he could do the best; playing Starcraft. A few minutes later, Sungmin woke up as well.

"Kyu...", he yawned.


"I slept so well, thanks to you..." Kyuhyun saved his game and closed his laptop. Then he turned around to Sungmin. "Hyung..."

"What is it, Kyu?" Kyuhyun had tears in his eyes now.

"I'm afraid that I can't sleep without you anymore... Would it be okay if... we can do this every day after school?" Sungmin grinned.

"I'm afraid that this is just same here with me! So I think that I have to agree." And that's how it was settled. Just in that moment, Eunhyuk came downstairs and dragged Sungmin in the direction of the exit. "Sungmin hyung, don't let that pervert touch you again!"

"Eunhyukkie, do you even know what pervert means?"

"Aish! Who cares! Just go!"

In the following year, Sungmin would come to Kyuhyun's and Donghae's house everyday and Eunhyuk would follow, since he would always meet Donghae, even though it was with a grumble, due to Sungmin and Kyuhyun being together again. He couldn't seperate Sungmin and Kyuhyun but somehow, it didn't really bother him that much anymore. It was just a habit for him to pull Kyuhyun away from Sungmin even though he could see that Kyuhyun wouldn't ever do any harm to his brother. One day, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Ryeowook sat one the dining table and were eating with their parents. Yesung was visiting them. He was already eleven years old now and even though his friends always laughed at him due to his friendship to a seven year old boy, he couldn't stay away from that friend, Ryeowook.

"Sungmin, it seems like you are really close to Kyuhyun? And Eunhyuk, you and Donghae seem to get along well, too. You are already eight years old now. So I think that I can ask you this question: Do you think that it was a good idea that the Chos have moved into another house?", Heechul said.

"Umma, it's alright. It's not like they are gone forever, they are just a house next to us!", Sungmin smiled. Eunhyuk repeated automatically:

"It's good that Kyuhyun is gone." Sungmin glared at him and Eunhyuk sticked out his tongue. Ryeowook began to giggle and Yesung stopped eating to see what was funny. He didn't seem to get the point and just laughed. Heechul sighed in happiness as she saw her children still being childish. Sungmin had begun poking Eunhyuk's barely existing stomache and Eunhyuk pulled his hair. After all, they loved to fight with each other.

"Ya! Don't fight at the dining table!" Sungmin and Eunhyuk let go of each other and both pouted. They sat in peace for about five minutes in which they were eating, when Eunhyuk nudged Sungmin's leg with his foot. Sungmin ignored it but Eunhyuk did it again. And again. And again. Until Sungmin pinched his thigh under the table. Eunhyuk gasped and the fight started again. Hankyung, who just sat there in silence, tried to surpress a laugh. Even though Eunhyuk and Sungmin loved each other more than almost everything on the world, they couldn't stop spiting each other.

Heechul glared at her husband. She didn't think that it was that funny, seeing her twins fighting over practically nothing. Yesung tried to convince Ryeowook to mock them but Ryeowook just shook his head slowly, not looking away from Yesung.

"You are a smelly monkey!" Ryeowook grinned. He somehow loved those stupid fights.

"You are a pink-loving girl!" Heechul opened her mouth, but closed it again.

"You are stupid!" Hankyung tried to concentrate on his food.

"And you are gay!" Yesung tried to remember what that word meant.

"Damn it! Stop using words you don't even know!" Ryeowook tilted his head. He didn't know what that word meant.

"I know what gay means!" Hankyung lifted his head in curiousity.

"So, what does it mean?" Yesung grinned. Well, he already knew what it meant.

"Gay is... what you are!" Ryeowook face-palmed himself.

"Stuuuupid! Gay means when a boy loves a boy!" Heechul gasped when she heard her son explaining this word.

"You are even moooooore stupid!"

"No, youuuu!"

"No, youuuu!"

"SHUT UP!", Heechul said, finally. Yesung and Ryeowook were covering their ears and Hankyung grinned like a chesire cat in amusement until Heechul smacked his arm and his face expression turned into a very strict one.

"Well, uhm, stop that boys! Don't fight here!" Heechul smacked him again. "And, ehm, you are grounded!" Now Heechul smiled satisfiedly.

"Whaaaat? Noooo! It's his fault!", the twins whined and pointed at his each other. "No complaining! Since you don't want to eat, get up in your room!", Heechul continued. Sungmin and Eunhyuk glared at each other and went up in their rooms without saying anything.

The brothers sat down on their beds and ignored each other. Eunhyuk was the first one to give in and took short sneaking glances to his brother. It only neede 3 more seconds to make Sungmin doing the same. After 3 glances, their eyes met. They stared at each other for 2 minutes, until Sungmin had to blink. Eunhyuk surpressed a laugh and Sungmin puffed his cheeks.

They couldn't hold it anymore and bursted out in laughter. It was awesome how those boys could always fight and make up in less than five minutes. "I can't believe that you always win that stupid glaring game.", Sungmin pouted. Eunhyuk grinned.

"Well, and I can't believe how painful your pinches are!", he said and rubbed his thigh.


"Kyuhyun-ah... Ehm, me and Eunhyuk...we got grounded, so I can't visit you today...", Sungmin explained to his friend nervously. Kyuhyun started to whine immediately.

"Hyyyuuung! Why did you get grounded!", the seven year old boy almost shouted and stomped his foot. Sungmin grinned nervously.

"Well, we got into a fight..."

"Of course it is Eunhyuk's fault."

"No! No... actually I- Ehrm... I don't know either who started.... However, I can't visit you today, Kyu... sorry."

"Okay... I bet it wasn't your fault." Both turned around when they saw Donghae almost crying.

"Hae! Please, don't be a crybaby...", Eunhyuk tried to comfort him but it only made him whining even more. "It's only for a few days... And we still see each other at school!" Donghae cried out loud and ignored Eunhyuk. The latter just sighed and sat down at his place. Sometimes, Donghae could be really tiring.

After school, Donghae pulled Sungmin towards the roof. "Sungmin hyung, I need your help!" Sungmin eyed him in curiousity.

"What is it, Donghae?"

"Sometimes, I really have the feeling that Hyukkie is annoyed by me.... Maybe he doesn't want to be friend with me anymore?"

"Ya! Pabo! Are you trying to kid me? You two are practically in love.", Sungmin exclaimed. Donghae blushed at the statement.

"Don't exaggerate, Hyung! And really, I mean it... Today he told me that you two got grounded... okay, I know that it's true but somehow I have the feeling that he wants to get rid of me..." Sungmin chuckled. He knew that Eunhyuk wasn't very good in expressing his feelings towards other people.

"Don't worry... actually, he is just as upset as you but he doesn't want to admit it. He's stupid but you should already know that!", Sungmin comforted him. Donghae smiled.

"Ya! Hyukkie is not stupid!"

"That depends.", Sungmin said with an evil smile. It was really quite funny to pick on Donghae. He was very sensitive. Donghae sent him a death glare and Sungmin bursted out in laughter. That was when Donghae understood that Sungmin just wanted to annoy him. He grinned and blushed. Sungmin pinched his cheeks and they went upstairs again, where Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun were fighting again. Donghae smacked his head and Sungmin sighed. How could they have let them alone?

"What do you mean by 'Santa Claus doesn't exist' ? Of course he does!"

"Only stupid monkeys like you believe this."

"So, tell me who brings you your Starcraft games on Christmas?"

"My Umma."

"Don't lie!" I think it isn't necessary to tell who says what.

Eunhyuk was still shouting at Kyuhyun while Sungmin dragged him away. He mouthed a 'sorry' in Donghae's direction who waved goodbye to him. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at Eunhyuk and sticked his tongue out. He was far away enough to risk this one time. Eunhyuk threated him with his fist.

On their way home, Sungmin started to interrogate Eunhyuk.

"Hey, today's topic was not that serious that you should have threat him with yourr fist."

"It's just that this stupid little brat annoys the heck out of me!", Eunhyuk's mind was boiling.

"Why are you always fighting? Look at me and Donghae, we come along very well!"

"Because Donghae is great and you are great. I don't get why you like that stupid little brat!"

"You enjoy calling him this, don't you? Well, he's very cute and nice if he wants... and Donghae also loves him a lo!"

"He's his brother. ", Eunhyuk said with a dropping voice.

"Oh. Right. But, but... Ryeowook likes him!"

"Just because Wook likes him doesn't mean that I have to like him."

"But you like Jongwoon hyung..."

"He's not Kyuhyun!"

"You just don't like Kyuhyun because he is Kyuhyun?"

"Well, kinda..."

"Uhuh... interesting... I'm wondering what exactly made you two like this..."

"Uhm. You?"

"Hey, are you saying that it's my fault?"

"Yup. If you would hate Kyuhyun, we wouldn't have this problem."

"Your daily attempts to get me away from him getting more and more fail.", Sungmin snorted out with laughter. Eunhyuk glared at him. "Well, I think it's alright if you don't kill each other anytime.", Sungmin tried to save what he could causing Eunhyuk to grin satisfiedly.

"Let's not talking about this anymore."

"Okay!", Sungmin agreed in relief. He really hated arguing about those things. "Hey, and I'm not gay, am I?" Eunhyuk stared at him in shock. "When you said that I was gay... yesterday..." Eunhyuk laughed. "No, of course not!"


Sungmin sat on the couch and didn't know what to do. Usually, he would be at Kyuhyun's and Donghae's house at this time but he was not allowed to leave the house, so he just sat around and looked at the ceiling. Eunhyuk was running up- and downstairs the whole time and everytime he was downstairs, in the living room, he threw a piece of paper on his twin, causing Sungmin to glare at him and him to laugh his ass off. Very funny.

The door bell rang and Heechul opened the door. She expected Yesung to come at this time but this time, it was Kyuhyun and Donghae. She looked at them in surprise after not seeing them for a while.

"Hello, Donghae and Kyuhyun! Nice to see you! How are you?"

"Annyeong, Mrs. Lee! We came to visit Sungmin hyung and Eunhyuk hyung!", Donghae almost shouted out. Heechul chuckled. They got so tall, especially Kyuhyun. She was sure that he was already only two or three centimetres shorter than Sungmin and Eunhyuk, who were at the same height. She let them in, since Sungmin and Eunhyuk were still allowed to get visited by friends.

"Kyuuuuu!", Sungmin cheered and hugged the younger boy. Kyuhyun smiled happily. "I'm so glad that you two are here! Hyukkie started to get very annoying.", he said and showed them a pile of paper pieced next to him. Then he turned around to the stairs and shouted in direction of his and Eunhyuk's room:

"Ya! Monkey! Come down! Donghae's here!"

A/N: Oooh... I've never been that slow in my whole lifetime xD Usually, I only need about 2 or 3 days for a chappie but this time... Wow. almost one week :O And I don't even know if I can continue this cuz I have no idea how to continue and well, I have plenty of ideas for another fanfiction which sound much more interestin than this one here... Well, the whole concept of this is fail since I don't even have a proper plot... xD It was much easier to write my other fanfiction, my first chaptered btw, "Press the Reset... Or keep your life on Play", since I had a whole plot and story in my head already... Well, pls try to forgive me for this fail piece of writing *bows for apologize* which might be not continued by me... But there is still a probability that I will get an osm idea in the middle of the night when I'm dreaming xD Omo... I 'm talking too much in my annotations xD It's almost longer than the chapter xD

pairing: kyumin, rating: pg-13, genre: romance, pairing: yewook, about: sjkids, pairing: haehyuk

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