My first picspam. New Earth with a fangirl lens.

Mar 22, 2009 01:34

With my compulsion to watch Series 2 of Doctor Who again recently, I also felt even more strongly compelled to make some eyecandy picspam. I'm starting with New Earth and may do one for all of the episodes of Series 2... and possibly further, but I'll have to decide. There may be a slight theme to my images, but it's really subtle *cough*, yeah subtle like a brick.

Note: All images taken from the wonderfully useful Bow and worship their detailed screencap gallery.

Welcome to New Earth and the new Doctor.

Such a cute smile!

Look at the banter, it is also cute! =^.^=

He's resting on the grass is and is looking relaxed and adorkable. Hair petting needs to be here.

New New New New New New New New New New New... and so on York. Or he could be asking for a kiss. I'll pretend it's the latter.

Damp!Doctor!David Tennant is full of power.

And also when drying.

This image keeps making me think horribly naughty thoughts for some reason

As do these... I'd like him to give me these looks.

And I like the fidgeting for some reason.

"What the hell did you just do to me?"

The hot rage!

Body stealing trampoline speaks with the voice of a fangirl. Yes Cassandra, he is hot and Rose wants a piece of that too. There is a reason no one should be allowed to read my surface thoughts. I'd make Cassandra run out of my brain as quickly as possible.

Saving the day.

The dampness again. Him being damp. I've already commented on this. More of the remaining specials need excuses to have this to happen.

He looks so proud of himself.

And one last smile. It commands me to hug/molest him if I could.

new earth, doctor who, fangirlism, picspam

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