I'm feeling more than a little nostalgic right now. With Series 5 of Doctor Who over, I miss the wonderful era of Ten even more. Yes, it had flaws but I'm fully willing to say it's overall so much better than what we have now. (And not just because I have fangirl powers for David Tennant.)
With this in mind, I felt the need to completely start over with the picspams. I'll skip the ones I've already done super detailed picspams for, but will otherwise start over. It also allows me to use my own screencaps for all of the episodes. Besides, Christmas Invasion is fun. I adored him from his first appearance at the end of Parting of the Ways and so his first episode made me squee.
Yes, it's been forever, I know I know. And I know I say that every time, which I say every time to the point where it's a loop. That being said, I am both now on summer break and I have internet access. It's amazing how much both of those things help.
The freshly regenerated Ten pops his head out of the the TARDIS and blinking steps into the sun… if he can make Lion King references this episode, so can I.
Awwwww. And he's already distracted by a shiny object off to the side.
And he smiles, providing that he can. Or to melt my brain. He's succeeded. *babbles*
Back to his distraction.
"This is where I parked?!"
"Jackie?! Were you always that short?"
"And same there. Mickey, how are you so short?" No, he's not any taller, but he's not slouching. Just deal with it.
"Did I just leave the TARDIS running?"
"Now excuse me while I pace back and forth, as the new me seems to love doing."
"You're looking at me like something is odd. Do I have something on my nose? I haven't looked at my new nose yet. Does it have a growth?"
The Doctor is unaware of any issue that either Mickey or Jackie may have with him and invades their personal space.
"I have something important to tell both of you."
"I'm adorable!"
"Forget that. It's nap time."
Nap commences here. I seriously now have what feels like hundreds of screencaps of him on the ground. Let me show you a few. ()
And now for something completely different. Just kidding, now he's just napping in a different outfit.
And one last one for any of you who happen to get off on him sleeping.
Rose uses caring for his health as an excuse to touch his chest.
And now they leave him alone to be sexy sleep in peace.
Watch, he's about to do something! Oooooooo.
Weren't you shocked by all that sudden activity in the end there? I know I was. I had to stop there to not become overwhelmed… ok, so I just decided that it was enough pictures. I promise he may be more active eventually. He does, after all, eventually need to wake up and save the day. Think of it this way, he sleeps in this episode so he can be so hyperactive for the rest of this regeneration! Sleep now so he can play later!
I hope everyone enjoyed this!