Fic: "Watching Love" by kyrdwyn (FRT, Hotchner/Reid)

Mar 13, 2009 22:22

Title: Watching Love
Author: kyrdwyn
Rating: FRT
Pairing: Hotchner/Reid
Spoilers: Minor for "Memoriam"
Author's Notes: Totally innerslytherin's fault. We noticed some of Reid's fashion choices in the last few eps and started speculating on the reasons. Then she demanded I write fic. So I obey. Also? Total sap.

Summary: Aaron has a gift for Spencer.

Spencer woke up to the feeling of Aaron nuzzling a cold nose into the back of Spencer's neck. He reached back and pushed him away sleepily. "Too cold," he muttered.

Aaron chuckled, moving so his lips were pressing against Spencer's neck instead. "It's February in D.C.," he murmured. "It's never warm."

"Hmph," Spencer said, shivering as Aaron kissed his neck. "When did you get back?"

"An hour ago." Aaron sighed and slid an arm around Spencer, pulling him closer. "Missed you."

Turning his head, Spencer looked over his shoulder at his lover. "You could have called me into the case."

"You needed the time with your parents," Aaron said. "Besides, I would have been calling you in for selfish reasons - I just wanted you there."

"Perfectly acceptable reason to me." Spencer turned so he was facing Aaron, sliding his arms around him and resting his head against Aaron's shoulder. He was almost asleep again when he felt something against his hand. "Hmm?" he asked, closing his fingers around the box. He raised his head, looking up at Aaron, surprised to see his normally composed lover looking nervous. "What's this?"

"Open it."

Propping himself up on an elbow, Spencer raised the lid on the box, surprised to see an old fashioned gold pocket watch with chain fob resting on the velvet fabric inside. He looked up at Aaron, who swallowed.

"It was my grandfather's. My grandmother gave it to him for their twentieth anniversary. She gave it to me after he died."

"Aaron," Spencer breathed. "You should save this for Jack, it's a family heirloom."

Sliding a hand into Spencer's hair, Aaron shook his head. "I want you to have it." He pulled Spencer to him for a kiss.

"Aaron-" He was cut off with another kiss.

"Spencer." Aaron stroked his fingers down Spencer's cheek. "The watch was a gift to symbolize my grandmother's love for my grandfather." He gave Spencer a small smile. "I wanted to give you something that shows how much I love you."

Spencer pulled Aaron to him this time, kissing him deeply. "I don't need material objects to know that you love me," he said quietly.

"I know," Aaron said. "But that doesn't stop me from wanting to give you everything."

"I just want you," Spencer replied. He met Aaron's gaze for a moment, knowing Aaron saw everything that Spencer's couldn't say in his eyes. Looking down, he pulled the watch out of the box and pressed the catch. The cover opened to reveal the watch face, black numbers on a white background, the second hand ticking off the seconds. He closed it, then saw the second catch. Frowning, he pressed it, and the back popped open.

Aaron reached behind him to turn on the bedside lamp, and Spencer blinked, letting his eyes adjust before he read the inscriptions.

Jacob, love Mary. 1959.
Spencer, love Aaron. 2009.

Spencer looked up as Aaron stroked his cheek. "You can give it back," Aaron said, "on our twentieth anniversary."

Shaking his head, Spencer leaned forward and kissed Aaron lightly. "Maybe on our sixtieth," he replied, smiling as Aaron laughed and pulled him into another, deeper kiss. Spencer reached behind Aaron to put the watch on the nightstand. "I love you, Aaron," he said into the aftermath of the kiss.

Aaron smiled against his lips. "I love you, too."

criminal minds, criminal minds: hotch/reid

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