
May 25, 2013 00:26

Watching TFAnimated. Prowl sounds like Shere Khan from the Disney Jungle Book. This makes for fascinating mental imagery of the character.

am i really thinking about this?, transformers, this amuses me

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Comments 2

deepseasiren May 26 2013, 14:58:27 UTC
Nice to see you post, girl! Miss your entries and comments. Shere Khan, eh? Man, that tiger was one suave jungle cat.


kyra_neko_rei June 2 2013, 19:54:09 UTC
Thank you!

I'm trying to get back into the swing of posting . . . I fell out of doing a whole lot of internet stuff, as though it was too much effort somehow, and then trying to come back feels awkward, like there's nothing that's right to say. Which is silly, but there nonetheless.

(And yes, he was, wasn't he?)


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