chlean fics ??

Jan 12, 2009 17:15

First resolution: Reading or finish to read ALL the fics keeping aside. The list is beginning really really long!!! (laurelnola, carcassi, Elly ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

simplytoopretty January 12 2009, 16:46:22 UTC
kyra_and_co January 12 2009, 17:33:59 UTC
^^ thank you very much!!
Seems I'm going to be busy with chlean fics :)


ellyfanfic January 12 2009, 17:38:36 UTC
My daughter (who's a much bigger SPN fan than I am) adores the "Special Projects" series by Pen37.


kyra_and_co January 12 2009, 18:02:21 UTC
Thanks for the rec. Elly!! ^^
I want chlean fics with the atmosphere of SPN, no cheesy romance like smallville. If she likes them, they must be good!


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kyra_and_co January 12 2009, 17:43:17 UTC
wow!! I think my need of chlean fics is going to be fulfilled just with "two guys, one girl...." , lol!! *need coffee* :)
I will check too the others authors, thank you very much!!

(I think I've already read all the fics of Fina :) really great author )


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