Title: 20 Yuuri/Wolfram Themes
Rating: Varied, but nothing worse than an R for language and kissing/implied sexual activity
Pairing: Wolfram/Yuuri (and vice-versa, who can tell with those two anyway)
Genre: Varied, mostly fluff, humor, and angst
Chapter: Themes 16-20 (Grasp Tightly in Your Hand, Choking Back Tears, Engagement Ring, Beside Your
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Comments 26
XD the last one is funny and cute
*hugs* thanks~
Glad you liked the last one. I thought it was kind of dumb, but I was seriously out of juice ^^;
OMG...the first one brought tears to my eyes. It was beautiful - From Yuuri's tenacity to Wolfram's loneliness...and that last part..."Do you know why I let you follow me everywhere?" he whispered. "Think about that before you leave me..." - it mirrors what Wolfram had said to him...*sniffles* I love it.
The second one is VERY cute. I adore the bickering royal couple. ^__^
Third one is cute too...with Yuuri trying to get Wolfram in bed. *snickers* Come on! Some smut, please! The boys will get blue balls! But aside from that...I love the mystery!@ The action! And the 'to the rescue' Wolfram! *rawr* Love him in that role. ^___^
And the last on...*grins* I like the idea that Murata had been women in his past incarnations. ^__^ Cool.
Excellent work. I am so looking forward to your continuation of the arc. Very intriguing. ^___^
Hee...you don't know UST until you've seen Mirage of Blaze. ^^: But I know what you mean. ^___^
No matter which way you choose (lemon or not) you've got a fan here. *raises hand* I like your fics very much. ^__^
That really pulled on my heartstrings.
All of these were excellent. Your writing makes the emotions in the stories hit home.
Wow, thank you... that's just about the highest praise I think I could get... I'm very happy you enjoyed them.
Ditto on what the other's said :)
18 is just XDD~ I love it the best... for obvious reasons
Also, I have no idea what that icon is from, but it's hysterical.
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