Title: Always or Never
Rating: Eventual NC-17
Pairing(s): YuuRam, some hints at ConYuu, not seen OMC/Wolfram
Summary: The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
Warnings: This chapter is not nearly as nice as the other one was. ^^;;
Chapter Two )
Comments 33
It's really starting to get interesting now. I'm really, really hoping that you're going to let the others get to Wolfram in time to save him from a destiny worse than death. I'm suffering for him...
Anyway, well done. Looking forward to the next chapter. =)
Thank you for the kind words! :D
Despite all this, it was when Gwendal willingly decided to take along one of Anissina's inventions that Yuuri knew he should be really worried
I love the way that you work in every character into this story. I get a real sense of the world your story is taking place in, and of all its characters and the way they're present in everyone's life. And that about Gwendal voluntarily taking along Anissina's inventions is a lovely, thoughtful detail which I enjoy finding in stories. I like the style of your first section of the story, because it weaves dialogue, narration and descriptive in a lovely coherent way which I've never seen before. Unique. And beautiful ( ... )
'...thinking he knew everything at 64'
What does that mean/imply?
Much thanks in advance for an answer! ^^
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*melts* I love that he connects Yuuri with happiness, especially in the light of how often we see him racing about attempting to strangle his fiance, or thwart any of his contacts with pretty girls or prettier boys. *grin*
Yuuri, getting beaten over the head with a very large fish for leaving him behind. Yes, there was the thread to follow ( ... )
It says a great deal about what and who he holds important in his life.
Wolfram is a very strong character but still so emotional. It's a wonderful, rare combination, and I love how he shamelessly indulges in thoughts of revenge, but does it so . . . blamelessly. ^_^;
And I was so amused by the way Wolfram acted with Conrad - so very similar to the way he acts with Yuuri. Probably the way he acts with all the important people in his life. *grin*
That's what I imagine. :3 Possessive little bugger. X3
Thank you so much for your reviews. They seriously made my day.
Awww what a pity ..I would have loved to read the reaction of Yuuri when realizing they 'forgot' him.
The parts with those two criminals were somehow exhilarating (don't ask me why I think so *lol*)
one thing made me think:
Wolfram lay there for some days right? ...When did he eat..and...do..uhm..other urgent things (drinking ..peeing..uhm..combing his hair ^^'')? ...or is he starving? (nooo...my poor pretty boooooy *weeps*)
And....damn..the auction. *grunts* (...The prices will go up *lol*)
Cute Wolfram treated so terribly T_T ...that is so mean! (and even a fatty touching him ..aaaaaaaaarrhhg!!!)
Where the heck is Yuuri anyway...shouldn't he save his prince!! *kicks Yuuri* (You good for nothing!)
Great! I wan't more!! *addicted*
His uniform had been traded for a thin piece of cloth, knotted at the side of his waist. It skirted against the tops of his thighs and he'd feel less humiliated if he were simply naked. This cloth was for harem boys, not a soldier of New Makoku. He'd fought at first, but it'd been four days since he'd even seen food or water. Mazoku could withstand a lot, but even that left its mark. Now, bound and chained, weakened by hunger and Houryoku, without any sign of a rescue in sight . . . a lesser man would've crumbed.
Wolfram however, was probably the only creature alive stubborn enough for this devastating blow to be seen as a mere inconvenience.
Thank you for the kind words! Don't worry, they'll meet soon! :3
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Hee, I do the same thing. :3
I didn't want to end it there, I really didn't. But the next chapter stands so solidly on its own, I don't want to break it off into chunks.
I really enjoyed the part where Wolfram imagines punishing everyone for leaving him.
Fwah, I'm so glad that fit. I added it in at the last second cause the whole chapter felt to angsty. :P
Hahaha. >.>;; oooops *Fixes*
Thank you so much! :D
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