Title: Always or Never (Prologue and Chapter One)
Rating: Eventual NC-17
Pairing(s): YuuRam, some hints at ConYuu, not seen OMC/Wolfram
Summary: The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
A/N: The majority of the spellings and phrases I've taken from the AonE dub. I tried to be consistent more than accurate, but if there's a horrendous
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Comments 32
OMG...I can see where this is going already! Oh, the angst! I'm going to love it...AND hate it at the same time. Poor, poor Wolfram! I can't wait to see more...yet I dread it too!
Oh what to do, no da????
Nevermind me. I get weird like that. I'm so happy to see more Yuuram. REALLY! Must have more Yuuram, YuuWolf, Wolfri. WolfYuu or whichever other combination there is. ^^;
See? Didn't I say nevemind me?
Looking forward to more...soon, right?
The next chapter should be posted tomorrow. :3
Thank you so much!
Well, it's about to make a sharp U-turn
- I hope so, I do! *nods* What I'm thinking is breaking my heart.
The thing with overactive imagination is, it's about 100 steps ahead of you and probably in the wrong direction.
And you're welcome. ^____^
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The next chapter is posted, but chapter three is gonna take a while to get up, methinks. x_x;;
Should I be? I dunno...he seemed a bit....shifty at the end there, and the dream thing...hmm. Maybe I'm just imagingining things, I'll find out eventually, I suppose ^^
"Let's go home," Wolfram's voice was tight and panicked, but if he hadn't been right up against Yuuri's ear, he wouldn't've heard it. "It's so hard to follow you. I just want to go home."
Loved loved loved the mermaid rescue scene, I'm so happy that Yuuri jumped in to save him awwww. The image of them clinging to each other in the water sends my Yuuram fangirl mind into a frenzy ^-^
Very well written, I did notice a couple of sentences that were a bit awkward when I was reading it, but I can't find them again :S but yeah, they didn't detract from it or anything, so I wouldn't worry too much. Can't wait for more!
Wah, I'm so glad to hear that. I was so nervous about he mermaid scenes. ^^;;;
Thank you so much! ^__^
I like the tone you have in this story. It's very good, and funny. ^_^
Poor, poor Wolfram... *sniffles*
But shouldn't Conrad know that Wolfram didn't follow the others on the earlier boat? Or is he just dumb? ^^
I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Conrad should've probably realized it. He'll be beating himself up for it later, I'm sure. ^.-
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