
May 19, 2005 21:47

Written for the crack challenge at uke_society

This is like, Satan Crack. This is pure evil crack and shouldn't be read by . . . well, anyone really. It kind of disturbs me how easily it came to me. :P

Title: I am probably going to hell.
Rating: Very, very NC-17
Genre: Porn? Porn and extreme angsty-sadness.
Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram, Yuuri/Conrad and a ( Read more... )

yuuri x wolfram: 2004-2009, conrad x yuuri, fanfiction: 2005, author - bibbity

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Comments 25

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bibbity May 20 2005, 11:11:24 UTC
I donno, it kind of makes me feel happy! :3

Interested in plans for the sequel?


origami_paper May 20 2005, 04:27:39 UTC
-tries to hide behind a glass of water- So hot. -sq33ks-


bibbity May 20 2005, 11:09:10 UTC
Lol, glad you liked it! ^___^


moonraven_croft May 20 2005, 04:29:28 UTC

What the...? O_O; I really should have read the warnings...*shakes head*




bibbity May 20 2005, 11:07:40 UTC
I'm so sorry, dear! *Pets* I promise the next one will be nice and happy and fluffy!


vain_chan May 20 2005, 04:58:48 UTC
*smirks* I liked it. You should write a sequel. In Conrad's POV. Or you could claim Gunther/Conrad semi noncon . . . And what is Murata doing throughout all of this?

*goes back to writing* And did I mention that Yuuri makes Conrad beg for release? XD *brushes her hair over the little demon horns protruding from her head* Hee . . .


bibbity May 20 2005, 11:06:46 UTC
Woah. o_o That's exactly what I had planned! The Conrad POV sequel.

Murata. Oh my goodness, I just got such a wicked idea. >:3 *Flies off to write*


windbell May 20 2005, 17:05:02 UTC
That's exactly what I had planned! The Conrad POV sequel.

Yessss! That last line totally KILLED me. I love when Conrad suffers. HAHAHA. XD

(I liked this ficlet so much I am scaring myself. Evilbastard!Yuuri. Wow. O_O!)


spankjar May 20 2005, 05:06:42 UTC
that was hot, extremely well-written, and I'm not sorry for liking it one bit.


write more, please! don't make me beg~


bibbity May 20 2005, 11:03:05 UTC
Ask and ye shall receive . . .

It took Conrad a moment to realize what appeared to be a life-sized doll leaning demurely against the moau's headboard was actually his brother. Wearing shiny Mary Jane's and a froffy, lacey skirt that was more for decoration than any practical function. Even sitting, it barely stopped at the tops of creamy white thighs and the panties he had on were plainly visible.

For some reason, it was the matching pink bows that pulled his hair into two, bouncy, yellow pigtails that hit Conrad the worst.

Yuuri followed his gaze, then smiled. Smiled almost like he used to, his eyes crinkling up and it was hell. "I've decided that Wolfram's my little girl today. I'm going to have him make daisy chains and then maybe let him suck Gwendal off. We all know how Gwendal likes cute things."


spankjar May 20 2005, 11:35:45 UTC
you're beautiful. this made my morning, thanks!


vain_chan May 20 2005, 14:00:42 UTC
O_O Wow . . . I think a part of me just died and was reborn in KKM ficdom.


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