Title: Deviant (A story in the Balance Universe)
Author: Diorama (Aella Antiope)
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Yuuri Shibuya/Murata Ken/Wolfram von Bielefeld (polyfaithful relationship)
Genre: Angst, Love/Friendship
Chapter: 1 COMPLETE (3,400 words)
Warnings: Some sexual content
Summary: After a decade as Demon King Yuuri thought he knew the
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Comments 13
In my universe headspace Gunter comes from a ridiculously wealthy house which has backed the King, a large part because Gunter wasn't taken very seriously when Cherie was Queen although he's a valuable advisor. In my universe his 'eccentricities' as the Aristocrats would see it, are tolerated because his family has a great combination of wealth and pedigree. And wealth does count in politics.
So I would be interested to explore his perspective as being both inside and outside the establishment.
I particularly like this piece because it introduces a new aspect of prejudice that is highly logical. This fits very nicely into canon and the style of writing was very brilliant! Especially when Yuuri and Wolfram were arguing. It left the reader just as confused as Yuuri and then when everything was revealed, it made perfect sense.
I really really really enjoy reading from you about this pairing! MuraxYuuxWolf is my KKM OT3 and there simply isn't enough of it! Please fill my fanfiction void with much more MuraxYuuxWolf!
MuraxYuuxWolf is my KKM OT3 and there simply isn't enough of it!
Yeah, I think I've only come across one other story and I have been looking. There is a couple of love triangle stories, I don't mind them but each time Murata missed out, I got so fed up with those! I kept thinking, why can't they just come to an arrangement?
There will be more stories, at the least I have three others planned, and I have a feeling they will spawn more fic ideas.
I am working on this fic that I have been thinking about for quite some time. What if the humans had won the war 20 years ago? What would have happened and how would Shin Makoku have been changed after the human invasion? I honestly think that the Mazoku race would have been enslaved and sent to work camps with only the elite nobles allowed to work as castle slaves. I'm going to write about Yuuri coming to this world full of corruption and slavery and what he does to change it
I'll look forward to that story, it would be very interesting.
I look forward to future stories in your series. Maybe some action/adventure? Whatever genre would be awesome. I'm sure your muse will come up with something :)
Either way, there will be action, but also some angst, possibly huge dollops of hurt/comfort and sex. Not necessarily together or in that order ;)
I'm totally looking forward to it :-D
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