Just curious about the KKM! fauna :O

May 03, 2009 22:49

Okay, hi there! :) A few days ago I was spreading the KKM! love to one of my friends =D I was telling her about all the quirks/strangeness that the mazoku land (or how you wanna call it) has in comparison with Earth and the fauna-topic just poped-up in the conversation ^^U

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Comments 34

kannnichtfranz May 4 2009, 04:04:26 UTC
Sandbears and goalas! :D

And... it seems like there's more to the sheep, but I don't really remember...


kannnichtfranz May 4 2009, 04:56:59 UTC
I looked up some things I've come across in the novels -- in the German translation of the second novel, when Yuuri is hiding with Wolfram, the pirates say that the "Zomosagori Dragon" says "meow," and that even the babies of this type of dragon can eat men alive.

Wolfram wanted Yuuri to make a noise like a "Negrocinomayaksi", but I have no idea what that is, or even if it would have the same name in English as German. Yuuri didn't know what it was, either. :) I wonder if it is the rabbit-fox-thing? We may never know...

You've got it right about the vegetarian sharks -- Günter also calls them "cuddly." :D


rynankh May 5 2009, 03:23:08 UTC
->Right¡¡¡¡ I forgot about the sandbears and goalas! ^o^ thanks :D do you by chance remember the full name of the goala? I recall something like "the big goala of..." or something like that ^^U and do you happen to recall Ryan's Sandbear's name? :O

->Thanks too for the bonus info from the novels :) do you think that the "Zomosagori Dragon" is of the same species that Pochi? mmm, I wonder if the "Negrocinomayaksi" is a cute creature or a scary one... (just its name suggest the later ^^U)
Meanwhile the rabbit-fox-thingy is still a mistery TwT (but is so cute!) But you remember it, right? from that episode when they're trying to catch it, but I don't recall that they said its name either then... T_T *headdesk*


*threadjacking* glitteringloke May 5 2009, 03:59:54 UTC
hell's paradise koala (jigoku no rakuen koala - or something like that in japanese. i'm tired and forgetful atm)
sandbear is KG/Keiji


glitteringloke May 4 2009, 04:25:22 UTC
cats in shin makoku say "meh meh" which is like an earth sheep, which the i-forget-its-name thing says nya nya (meow). wolf mentions it in the ep on the ship where they're abducted by pirates. 20 something.

i think it's mentioned in the novels that there are a few million types of mazoku known? it's been a long time since i read vol. 1 translation so i don't remember the exact number.

i'm totally unhelpful T_T


rynankh May 5 2009, 03:48:50 UTC
*shakes head pointedly* you're not totally unhelpful! I thank you for taking the time to comment and answer my questions :D And yeah, I remember that episode :3 was so funny, pirates wearing sailor skirts XDD

cats in shin makoku say "meh meh" :O is like a sheep then? I thought sheeps go as "baa" but there are always different onomatopoeias to refer to same animal ^^'

the i-forget-its-name thing says nya nya (meow) *points to kannnichtfranz's comment* hey, now we both know =3

there are a few million types of mazoku known um, you mean mazoku-animals besides the common species, right? O,O woa, a few million? that's pretty huge :O but understandable ^^

Thanks again for your info! :) (ps: so cute icon!)


glitteringloke May 5 2009, 04:02:32 UTC
meh meh is the japanese onomatopoeia, baa is english. like nya/meow.

and you can find most of vol. 1 english trans. here: http://www.sakuracities.com/yaoigames/kkmnovel1_1.php

ps:thanks, my one friend made it for me to match my lj layout


rynankh May 5 2009, 06:08:58 UTC
Ooh capici :3
thanks for the link!! :)

ps: since its release I love that scan, Wolf is so pretty! the big sweater fits him/her and I like how Yuuri is like "hey... I know she's cute but back off, she's mine" and like he/she wanna cuddle Wolfram but is too shy to do it right there :) *fangirl-ing*


kudouusagi May 4 2009, 09:54:03 UTC
I don't know if the bad omen bird is actually called "bad omen bird" or not.
I think people just call it that because that's what it says.
It says engiwarui エンギワルイー (縁起悪い)

The full name of the kohi is kotsuhizoku (骨飛族)


rynankh May 5 2009, 04:00:09 UTC
*yayy! gives you a big jar of cookies*
The birdy says "engiwarui" then? :D *dances 'cause she finally knows* =3 I really like the bad omen bird (I guess we'll keep calling it like that ^^U), it's pretty funny and has its own protagonism like Kohi n_n
Oh, and thanks for the info about Kohi too :D


chalp May 4 2009, 11:07:50 UTC
I've compiled some info on dragons, kochi and kohi for kkm_reference. I'm currently doing bearbees but it's nowhere near finish >.


rynankh May 5 2009, 04:14:39 UTC
*huggles* *huggles*
Thank you so much! and nice work you have there :) *pom-pons to the bearbees info* X3
I didn't remember a lot of what you put on those posts and didn't know about the Kochi from the dramacd either ^^U *sighs* There's a lot that we miss those that don't understand japanese... *hangs head* ^^'


chalp May 5 2009, 08:10:48 UTC
You're welcome ^^

After reading yours about Kohi, I realised my info was outdated (I didn't have the 'Hiding Shinou' game part because when I compiled it that episode wasn't aired yet ^^;;).

There's a lot of interesting stuff in the drama cds. By the way, this post tells about a mountain mice that can send messages to your loved ones.


rynankh May 5 2009, 19:13:19 UTC
Yeah! the mountain mice! I've read about them, I love that novel-fragment for the implied messages that it has, the little details like "Honey-chan" and that it shows the deep bound that Wolfram and Yuuri share with each other (and that we can't see in the anime to that extent for example) :)


fubuki_sakura May 4 2009, 16:13:44 UTC
Addition to what chalp-san said:
"Kochi" refers to Kotsuchizoku.
The "Kohi Fish" is Kotsugyozoku.

Theres also the horses with 4 hearts, and cows with 5 horns.
In addition to mermaids there are tuna-looking fish with arms and legs which are gyojin (you can add 'zoku' which just means 'race' or 'species' like with Kohi and the like if you want. =P)
Oh, there was some episode with Greta and her roach-like friends... *feels sick from remembering* I can't remmeber the names...I'll have to go back and scan it.

I'm sure theres a few more, but I've kinda forgotten...
Would you like me to do a full check? I can scan all the books in a few hours if you like?? (Though, my references are in Japanese)


rynankh May 5 2009, 04:49:41 UTC
Ah! thanks for your comment! *huggles* sos un amor, gracias :D *a full packet of pastries to you* :)
Would you be so kind to do a full check and scan the books you mentioned? I'd really appreciate the info n_n

Woa, the Kotsugyozoku! finally :D (it's so hard to pronounce its name ^^U) ne, does it have a nickname like kohi? :O
And the other animals you mentioned are for real?¡ O_O all the horses have 4 hearts or just a few of them? is the same with the cows? :o I don't remember the mermaids... are they mentioned in the novels? ... The tuna-looking fish seems familiar, is it show in the anime? although the only one that comes to my mind I'm sure it's show in other anime... maybe in "Those who hunt Elves"?? O,O
What are the roack-like friends of Greta?? O.O


chalp May 5 2009, 08:02:57 UTC
Now that fubuki_sakura mentioned about the mermaid, I remember reading it from niveous_magics's novel 14 translation here. Scroll down til you reach page 35.

"So where are the half-fish half-human guys?"
Conrad let out a meaningful cough.
"Your majesty, let me speak on their behalf, but noble mermen can only live in a very pure sea water."


rynankh May 5 2009, 19:04:17 UTC
Oh! thanks for the link! I have forgotten about that translation ^^U
when I was reading that part and Yuuri was thinking in the mutant-fishes I remember that I couldn't help but think in Blinky the 3 eyed fish from The Simpsons XD


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