Title: Viejos Amigos ~Kyota & Wolfram~
Artist: Hikari Shiroki
Rating: Safework ^^U... it is.
Pairing: KyotaxWolfram
Warnings: Well, it isn't the typical pairing so those of you that don't like Wolfram with other people better abstent ^^U... althought there's non sexual reference _._--- pretty much worksafe ^^U...
Disclaimers: Maruma don't belong to
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Comments 34
you should go and read the fic then ^^. Kyota is loveable!!!
Kyota Docharo is an OC (Original Character) of Chayron, the author of that wonderful fic.
yay!!! you're going to read the fic!!! ^^!! I'm so happy, that's all the propose of this post XDDD,
im a huge 'Working out the Paradox' fan, so this made my day!! <3
That makes us two big fans here!!!!
I'm so happy!!! the chapter 20 was soooo great!!! Kyota was sooo gorgeous under the circumstances O¬o... I'm practically falling for him!!! how could Wolfram let him go ;___;.... XDDD oh, well ^^U...
About the hair... I never thought his hair were medium blue, I always thought it was a dark blue, so that's why I pictured like this ^^U... other than that I really hope you like it ^^!!!
PD: Que bueno ver más hispano parlantes en este fandom XD
Ya leíste el fic??!!!! Kyota es el personaje perfecto!!! estoy recontra feliz porque Chayron me ha mandado el último capítulo en recompensa ^^!!!
Y el primer capítulo d ela secuel también XDD... síp! ellos van a seguir O¬o... yay!!!!
Claro que lo he leído! <3 Me gusta mucho~ ¿O sea que ya sólo falta un capítulo? 0w0 W-wow, que bueno oír que habrá secuela también! ^_^ Me pregunto que será de Kyota ahora... ♥
Sí, yo tampoco sabía que terminaba en el capítulo 21 ;___;.... lo bueno es que le ha hecho secuela ^__________^.
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