Title: Lunacy Fringe
Author : Mo and Saree (
kyokyon &
Chapters: 4/?
Genre: AU, a flash of humor to Angst
Ratings: G to R
Pairings: ToraXAoi
Disclaimer: We dont own them.
Synopsis: Short Tempered Aoi met Indifferent Tora in Japanese Police Department
Note: The title took from The Used song, Lunacy Fringe
Feedback: Yes, please…
chapter 1 >>>
http://kyokyon.livejournal.com/19812.htmlchapter 2 >>>
http://kyokyon.livejournal.com/20364.htmlchapter 3 >>>
http://kyokyon.livejournal.com/21684.html Tora watched the suspect silently from behind the glass door. Saga was back facing him, slumped onto the chair in great exhaustion. He was thirsty. Tora could tell from the way his sweats rolled down rapidly and the man’s body squirmed uncomfortably. He felt a sudden sympathy for him.
In front of the weak criminal, Aoi stood with worse expression. He must be tired too, and exhausted. The steam room was heating up due to Aoi’s order; he wanted Saga to open up his mouth as fast as possible, no matter how hot he felt.
The argumentation inside seemed to be so tensed up. Less than 10 minutes later, Aoi walked out and found Tora staring on him.
“What?” he glanced over while continuing walking to get two cans of cola, threw one to his partner’s direction.
Tora accepted the soft drink and played with it, moving it to the left and right hand. “How is it?”
“Bad. He refused to tell us who had hired him” Aoi mumbled before took a long gulp of his own drink. “Gosh, two hours inside was terrible. I wonder how he can manage the heat. There’s no even a change of expression”
Tora blinked and seemed to realize something. “You stayed there two hours without drink? Why?”
“Are you stupid? How can I drink something in front of someone who hasn’t been touching a drop of water since a day ago? It’s not even cool”
A smile appeared secretly on Tora’s lips. He knew Aoi is a generous man, out of his arrogant state.
The door cracked open as Tora made his way in. by instance he felt all uncomfortable with the heat. Saga shot his eyes up to him, and showed a disgusted smile. His eyes landed to the can Tora brought. He gulped.
Without saying anything, Tora opened the cola on his hand and took a sip on it while his eyes still fixing on Saga’s. He could see the tied up man’s eyes asking for the soda water. Tora put the can down and offered it to the blond. He dragged the can to Saga’s lips and helping him to drink.
The blond drank the cola like he never drank before, swallowing every drop hungrily and didn’t care with Tora’s amused smile.
“Are you okay?” Tora asked once the last drop of cola was swallowed into Saga’s throat.
The blond smirked. “Can you be okay in a place like this? Stop talking nonsense” he darted his eyes harshly through the cop.
“Well, I beg your pardon, Mr. Criminal. But it would be better if you give up and tell us who had hired you, right?” Tora leaned down and whispered into Saga’s ear “and you won’t suffer like this anymore”
Saga glanced to the door, staring into emptiness “If I gave you his name, he’s going to kill my lover” he looked up to Tora’s eyes “what will you say?”
A nonchalant smile displayed on Tora’s lips “If you didn’t give his name, I’m going to kill you” the smile disappeared and changed into serious “what will you say?”
“My lover is innocent” Saga glared Tora daringly “you can kill me whenever you want. I had prepared to die since the first time I choose this job”
Tora smirked “assassin has no heart. No lover. They’re live just for money”
“… I have no heart” trailing voice “He took it”
“My lover”
Tora muted. He didn’t say anything, he was confused.
“Want to make a deal?” the blond offered and Tora concerned. “Mind if I whisper it to you? I’m afraid they put something here. You know…” and Tora moved closer to the criminal.
As Saga whispering his offer to Tora, he glanced at the door one more time. And then, he smirked in satisfaction seeing Aoi stood there -gazing through the glass door with twisted mind.
“Succeeded, Mr. Special Agent?” Aoi asked in clear sarcasm once Tora stepped into his room. He didn’t wait for his partner’s answer but studying the files on his desk. The half blond agent looked at him for a moment, while sitting himself onto one chair.
“What do you mean?” Tora lit a cigarette and asked.
“I saw you talking secretly with the hustler. Anything wrong?”
“It’s you who is wrong, Aoi. It’s very impolite to call someone hustler if you never witness him suck One’s cock” Tora replied with slight irritation in his voice.
“Everyone knows he is”
“Let’s stop talking about this, okay?”
“What? Are you afraid I might know your plan with that hustler?” Aoi hissed the last word with still the twisted feeling he felt since the moment he saw Tora being so close with Saga in steam room. He felt bad by calling someone like that. True. But he didn’t know why it also felt like releasing his stress.
“Stop sounding jealous, can you?”
“I…” Aoi’s face flushed as if Tora had read his mind. “I am not jealous!”
The other man only chuckled; he stood up and headed to the exit.
“You did sound jealous” he said before closed the door behind him, right before a hard object hit the door with loud bang.
Kai was holding a tray with a cup of coffee on it when he found Tora leaning on Aoi’s door. He raised an eyebrow as if questioning what happened.
“Your damn captain is throwing everything right now” Tora smirked and left after he said, ‘you better back off, Kai-kun’
End chapter 4