Jul 28, 2006 05:07
OK so I took my drivers test finally and after taking I wonder now wth spooked me so much about it. It took about 10 minutes and it wasn't insainly nerve racking. Sad to say that was the good news when we pulled up to the test at 3pm, I had the last spot available for the day, I was met by a hunchback heavyset man....then I heard Kasey say and i quote "Oh shit this is the guy who is a complete dick" His name was Daniel and indeed he turned out to be a complete dick. Aside from being insainly rude and snotty he took up part of my side of the car making it hard to turn my body around to look behind me..I shruged it off and started the test now 1 thing you should know is kaseys car is pretty old and not all of the things work like they should like the blinkers on the inside blink pretty slow and take a second or two to come on inside but outside as soon as I hit the switch they are on. Dan asked me to parrallel park I knew I would fail this but I thought what the hell lets give it a shot....I backed up right into the spot but as i turned to adjust I turned the wheel the wrong way for a split second before correcting myself and he said try it all over or you just fail this part and that is when I knew he wasn't gonna let me get through this easy I tried 2 more times and not being able to turn all the way made it impossible to park completely so I failed that part. I drive on and turn at the stop sign after stopping I do my turns and make it furthor on the test he askes me to park so I do then askes me to go in reverse and once again I run into the problem of not being able to turn I reversed till the point where he knocked into me making me turn the wheel and go off the shoulder....at this point I knew I am not passing I did my k turn and all the remaining stuff and got back when he gave me the paper he said I failed 4 parts the reverse and the parrellel I knew but he tacked on that I didn't stop at a sign [I DID I EVEN JOLTED THE CAR A BIT AND APPOLOGIZED] and that I didn't use my signals......this goes back to the old car thing again so long story short I failed hopefully when I go back for my retest Dan is either far far away or way to busy to deal with me because if I see him again suffisit to say things would get ugly fast. ok so there is my rant it is hellishly early and I gotta get some sleep.