I found a set of Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu canvas plush for a decent price. If I bought the set for the Raichu, would anyone be interested in Pikachu or Pichu?
I hate it when those kinds of 'events' happen. It happens when I read books/ watch Superhero thing/ read fanfictions. Fanfictions bother me the most because people tend to forget VERY OBVIOUS things. Like, one chapter could have the Titans out on a mission talking on their communicators, and then two paragraphs down they can't contact each other because they needed it to further the plot.
Or sometimes it's just something stupid like in Maximum Ride when the main characters get into fights. I mean, I guess it's already ridiculous, they have wings, but some things are just stupid. The kids can hide their eight foot wingspans under simple jackets. >.>
lol That sounds like something I would do. This is one of the reasons I never post my writing on the off-chance that I do finish a chapter. I'll be so focused on what needs to happen for the plot to develop that I'll forget really obvious solutions.
The author of One Piece is usually good about keeping the events "realistic" based on the rules of the One Piece world. Minus the fact that none of the main characters ever die. (But that happens a lot in shounen manga...)
The kids can hide their eight foot wingspans under simple jackets. >.>
OMIGOD, that kept bugging the absolute crap out of me when I was reading one of the books >.< It was seemed so... so... careless of the author to have them so neatly folded and not be a huge bulk underneath their clothes. <.<
FFFFF I love Path of Radiance. I never did finish it but I'm really close to? XD; It's amazing though, seriously. Hahaha! Titania is my strongest followed by Oscar I think...just wait, the game will really pull you in ;D
I expect to finish it over the next few weeks. I'm actually worried that it won't be long enough for me. D:
The only other Fire Emblem game I've played is the remake for the DS (Shadow Dragon, I think). I loved that game even with it's limited plot, so I bet I'll enjoy Path of Radiance.
I'm still debating whether I should raise a team of the "strongest" characters or a team of the characters I like most.
Fffff. I'm going to have to decline. T_T I've been eying canvas Pikachu for a while now, but I've decided a while ago that I want to collect the Halloween Pikachu that comes out every year so... yeah. I can't house that many pikas. I hope you can find someone else who is interested!
On a side note, I think the cards you sent me are indeed, well, lost. -_- That's the third thing of mine that the PO has lost within the last month... it's really starting to piss me off.
That's fine. I'd keep the Pikachu for myself except I already own the old version. I just don't want to get stuck with the Pichu.
Aw, that sucks. Remind me again which cards they were? I can check to see if I have any extras. (At one point I kept 4 copies of every card, but I've sold off the majority of my collection since then.)
OH WOW. O: those characters do look pretty similar actually... XD;
AND JSDkhfj i know your pain about characters stealing kills man. I've had my follower in fallout 3 take kills from me before... XD ITS KIND OF FUNNY SOMETIMES but other times its like hey. ( he's also shot me and thrown grenades at me before too... D: )
lol Grenades? At least Titania can't hurt my other characters.
It's worse when the character is just an ally instead of a team member. Then the experience points are wasted on a character you can't control. (I had that happen to me in the DS Fire Emblem.)
YES GRENADES. There was one time I was fighting things in a hallway and he tossed a grenade and uh.. i saw it land at my feet like "O SHI-" but then it blew up in my face AND I SURVIVED BARELY.
.....I THEN TOOK HIS GRENADES AWAY :D (i swear sometimes i think he wants to kill me ;_; )
and LMAO man that would be annoying ok. I can't control the fallout 3 follower but when he kills things I don't get credit for it. I:
That reminds me of when my friend and I played on a team in the original Super Smash Bros. She played as Link and threw bombs at me for the ENTIRE round. After that I refused to play teams with her. >_>
lol It's reasonably helpful. I just don't want to buy all three and then front the cost for ALL of them. I tend to misjudge what other people are interested in.
For example, in a coin GA I ran, I placed the starting bid before people made claims so another Crescent user couldn't bid against me. (I'm not sure if you saw my Y!J rant or not, but I have bad luck with getting locked out of auctions.) Come to find out, I misjudged how many coins would get bids, started all the claims too low, and didn't raise enough for the auction. So now I'm paying for about half of the auction price out of my own pocket, instead of just the cost of the coin I claimed. XD
Comments 26
Or sometimes it's just something stupid like in Maximum Ride when the main characters get into fights. I mean, I guess it's already ridiculous, they have wings, but some things are just stupid. The kids can hide their eight foot wingspans under simple jackets. >.>
The author of One Piece is usually good about keeping the events "realistic" based on the rules of the One Piece world. Minus the fact that none of the main characters ever die. (But that happens a lot in shounen manga...)
OMIGOD, that kept bugging the absolute crap out of me when I was reading one of the books >.< It was seemed so... so... careless of the author to have them so neatly folded and not be a huge bulk underneath their clothes. <.<
*mini-rant* >.>
The only other Fire Emblem game I've played is the remake for the DS (Shadow Dragon, I think). I loved that game even with it's limited plot, so I bet I'll enjoy Path of Radiance.
I'm still debating whether I should raise a team of the "strongest" characters or a team of the characters I like most.
On a side note, I think the cards you sent me are indeed, well, lost. -_- That's the third thing of mine that the PO has lost within the last month... it's really starting to piss me off.
Aw, that sucks. Remind me again which cards they were? I can check to see if I have any extras. (At one point I kept 4 copies of every card, but I've sold off the majority of my collection since then.)
AND JSDkhfj i know your pain about characters stealing kills man. I've had my follower in fallout 3 take kills from me before... XD ITS KIND OF FUNNY SOMETIMES but other times its like hey. ( he's also shot me and thrown grenades at me before too... D: )
It's worse when the character is just an ally instead of a team member. Then the experience points are wasted on a character you can't control. (I had that happen to me in the DS Fire Emblem.)
.....I THEN TOOK HIS GRENADES AWAY :D (i swear sometimes i think he wants to kill me ;_; )
and LMAO man that would be annoying ok. I can't control the fallout 3 follower but when he kills things I don't get credit for it. I:
For example, in a coin GA I ran, I placed the starting bid before people made claims so another Crescent user couldn't bid against me. (I'm not sure if you saw my Y!J rant or not, but I have bad luck with getting locked out of auctions.) Come to find out, I misjudged how many coins would get bids, started all the claims too low, and didn't raise enough for the auction. So now I'm paying for about half of the auction price out of my own pocket, instead of just the cost of the coin I claimed. XD
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