What a week

Mar 29, 2013 19:20

Alright, so so far, vacation hasn't really felt like vacation. Had an impromptu job interview marathon all week, which kinda stressed me out, plus, even when I'm on vacation from one job, there's always the other job keeping me busy (And annoyed. This year, most of my applicants can't really be considered intelligent). Also, I had to clean out my ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

inwe_k March 29 2013, 18:46:57 UTC
ok, heißt also, Internet funktioniert wieder, oder?


kynikey March 29 2013, 18:58:11 UTC
Ja, so am späten Vormittag hatte er sich Gott sei Dank wieder beruhigt. Das heißt der Live-Chat am Samstag ist drin...Lol :)


inwe_k March 29 2013, 20:13:28 UTC


luveskane March 30 2013, 01:46:13 UTC
Sorry your vacation isn't much of a vacation :(
But yay to a pj day! Those are the best!


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