Title: An Unexpected Turn
kyleeers Pairing(s): Akame (Akanishi Jin x Kamenashi Kazuya), slight RyoDa (Nishikido Ryo x Ueda Tatsuya)
Rating: G Genre: AU, Humor, Crack, Fluff, Romance
Beta by:
peppermintarts (I know you're so busy with school and yet, you managed to beta this in one day! Thank you Gabbi! *hugs*)
Disclaimer: If only I can tell Johnny to adopt me then
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Comments 81
YEGGA~ :3 I hope you'll like this :)
oh and lol @ the Akanishi Troop betting on Kame and Akanishi. xDDD
It wasn't that fluffy tho *shot* but I'm happy you liked it :) your turn to make me oneeee~ *cough* the prince *cough* LOL
*hugs yegga really tight*~♥
who needs fluff when you've got crack + (slight) smut? i swear just a little more pushes here and there and you're on your way to becoming an awesome smut author *evil grin*
and eeeep, it's on my list, ok? so far i'm writing the ProDai super long one-shot, the next chapter of WYiHID, and a new multi-chapter fic i've had in mind since... before graduating from university. xD i should really get a job but i'll get to that, okay? sounds really fun to write. BWAHAHAHAHAH~ xD
*hugs back* ♥♥♥
Thanks Gabbi *hugs tight*~ <33
akame love love ♥
Thank you for reading and commenting! *hugs*~♥
and oh, your dp is *_______________________________*
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Thank you for reading and commenting! *hugs*~♥
who can resist kame's charm anyway?
Arigato it's a beautiful oneshot;)
Your words made me smile :D I'm happy you liked this :D
Thank you for reading and commenting! *hugs*~♥
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