Fic: Three Times A Christmas Tree

Dec 03, 2012 01:03

Title: Three Times A Christmas Tree
Words: 1,065
Rating: PG
Summary: A snippet of three Christmas trees
Disclaimer: The PTB own everything
Author's Note: Written for seasonal_spuffy 2012 ... Hope you enjoy!

A secret, a blank slate, and a shaft of moonlight )

music, ship: spuffy is a legitimate life choice, fic: btvs

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Comments 5

openid won't let me sign in, so I'm here. smells_corrupt December 3 2012, 21:15:35 UTC
GAH. This is so lovely, and happy and Christmassy and GAH. Fantastic!


Re: openid won't let me sign in, so I'm here. kwritten December 3 2012, 21:19:06 UTC
I can't do Spuffy without Spuffy/Dawn domestic!bliss.

It may be a disease.

(Glad you liked it and thanks so much for commenting!)


Re: openid won't let me sign in, so I'm here. smells_corrupt December 3 2012, 21:28:54 UTC
It is a good disease!


penny_lane_42 December 3 2012, 21:59:33 UTC
But Buffy didn’t hear the rest, she slipped out just as the bickering continued behind her, leaned up against the hard, solid comfort of the front door and cried silently.

When she walked through the door a few hours later (giving them some extra time to clean up, ready with a story of extra hours, extra money that wouldn’t come) she pretended to be surprised. And when Dawn hugged her tight and Spike looked at her knowingly, nodding over the younger girl’s head, Buffy’s eyes filled with tears for the second time that night. It would have been enough - she knew - to have come home just to the surprise. But there was something so normal and annoyingly peaceful of sharing this secret with him, of knowing how much this wasn’t about what she needed that day.

LOOOOOOOOOVE. I love fics that explore tiny moments of happiness during S6.

Buffy’s voice was soft and a little petulant, her eyes growing drowsy as she nuzzled into his neck and bit him playfully. Spike just brushed her hair back from her face lazily and kissed her softly on the ( ... )


kwritten December 5 2012, 02:41:41 UTC

I'm so glad you liked it!

+S6!happiness fic is Soooo necessary. And it hits my kinks because it needs to be melancholy in order to be effective.

((Confession, I almost snuck Dawn into each of these, but opted to give Spuffy some space. Head!Canon: for the second one, Dawn comes over the next day and loves the tree. She also finds Buffy's bra in the couch.))

+ domestic!Spuffy is a happy Kelsey

+ last year, my tree just had lights and candy canes. It was perfect.

+ I will take sappy as a compliment! <3


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