Star Wars Gender!Swap Casting

Sep 20, 2012 22:21

I don't even understand my life or my life choices anymore. Apparently my brain couldn't rest until I did this.

I had originally thought of Kristen Stewart as Skykiller(/Luke) because she is so perfectly AWKWARD and uncomfortable, which is pretty much how I feel about Luke. But then I had this thought... of Anakin and then... well... after that ( Read more... )

i heart the cinema, pic!spam, gender!swap, what is my life?, real life meets the internets

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Comments 16

beer_good_foamy September 21 2012, 09:48:12 UTC
Ronan, Williams and Mulligan - hell yes. Ronan scared the hell out of me in Hanna, and Williams hasn't put up a less than fantastic performance in years. Though I'm not entirely sure about her as Vader (Vada?).

I keep seeing Katee Sackhoff as Han, but that might be a bit of typecasting.


kwritten September 21 2012, 13:08:56 UTC
Ronan, Williams and Mulligan - hell yes.

Squee! Yes, this trio gives me ALL the happy! Also - I'm super confident in Williams' ability to be a bad-ass Vada. Steely ice-princess trapped behind a suit of "armor"? It'll be challenging, but I think she can bring some empathy to Episode IV, which the original series is lacking. There's something about changing the name from Skykiller to Skywalker that gives me the impression that this would be a drastically different character/world. One in which I'm confident in Williams.

I keep seeing Katee Sackhoff as Han, but that might be a bit of typecasting.

This was what my brain wanted, too! You aren't the only one. But there was a certain point at which I started casting by appearance *and* acting chops. The Mulligan/Williams look with the short, blonde hair is what I had in my head - a Han that was also petite, fair, and blonde seemed like too much of the same... That's why I was gravitating towards Beckinsale, Popovitch, and Potente> they all are drastically different looking than Mull/Will ( ... )


beer_good_foamy September 21 2012, 13:23:58 UTC
FTR, Franka Potente would be awesome too. She doesn't get nearly enough love, and she's great at playing morally ambiguous badass characters - her stint on The Shield was just eye-meltingly good.


kwritten September 21 2012, 13:41:33 UTC
Franka Potente is a dream! I'd love to see her as Han, tbh. I was really, really torn between her and Dushku. And she also has that similar build to Garner that would have been a great parallel - even more so in the facial structure, probably. THIS WAS SO DIFFICULT, OMG!

Now I want to commission my whole flist to do their own Star Wars gender!swap castings! Just to see what other options people come up with!

(I probably only chose Dushku because I'm a helpless stan and also - do you SEE that pic of Echo/Sierra? That kind of affection would be awesome to see between Williams and Dushku in these roles, imo.)


gillo September 21 2012, 12:13:28 UTC
I love these. Not entirely sure about Obi Wan, though - Alec Guinness was not only fairly old but also looked it. Why not Helen Mirren or Maggie Smith for a similar age + gravitas?


kwritten September 21 2012, 13:15:39 UTC
I love these.

I'm so glad! It was fun!

I'm not going to lie - the Lena Olin choice was basically all Alias' fault. Mirren and Smith are both excellent options..

I guess Olin, for me, is a bit darker and I've always wanted to see a softer Vadar/ harder Obi Wan - which this cast would give me. Not that Mirren/Smith couldn't pull that off, by any means. Also (as I point out above) there was a lot of visceral aesthetic want that went into this casting - Olin looks like Garner (and Dushku) - so that was basically that.


gillo September 21 2012, 13:18:59 UTC
She looks great, but I suppose I'm bothered by the "older male" replaced by "younger female" thing - the near-invisibility of older female actors in popular culture.


kwritten September 21 2012, 13:37:47 UTC
I understand that and concede. I wish there was a perfect older female to fit in my mind what this role needs. I also played around with the ages a bit more with Anakin and Padme - so it didn't occur to me that I was casting someone significantly younger than Alec Guinness was...

I'm really just taken with Olin's physicality ... :)


penny_lane_42 September 21 2012, 16:29:35 UTC

I'm kind of imagining a Millenium Falcon that is suited for Eliza's small frame and Tahmoh is always have to duck and scrunch around. This visual pleases me. I don't want a Riley/Buffy/S4 thing happening - I did not cast a big guy to make the ladies look smaller. No. Quite the opposite. If the whole set/world is suited to these powerful women who are physically small - Tahmoh will look ridiculous. This is a woman's world and they are allowing him to be around, but they aren't going to make things easier for him - or make room for him.

THIS IS SO DELIGHTFUL I WANT TO DIE. I'm not totally sold on the idea of Tamoh and Carey being siblings BUT this bit about the physicality just makes me want to flail around!

I personally think Lena is perfect as Obi-Wan. And Michelle and Carey and Saoirse--too much perfect all over the place! AND GINA AS LANDO YES.

I want all my friends to make race/gender swaps all the time!


kwritten September 21 2012, 17:59:31 UTC
THIS IS SO DELIGHTFUL I WANT TO DIE. I'm not totally sold on the idea of Tamoh and Carey being siblings BUT this bit about the physicality just makes me want to flail around!

I AM SO GLAD THAT YOU FIND THIS AS DELIGHTFUL AS I DO! I'm not totally sold on Tahmoh and Carey as siblings, either - but there's no doubt in my mind Tahmoh couldn't pull it off fantasitically.




eilowyn September 21 2012, 17:35:45 UTC
I so desperately want to see Jennifer Garner in a mentor role now.


kwritten September 21 2012, 17:59:50 UTC
She's so positively perfect in every way


gryfndor_godess September 23 2012, 20:08:42 UTC
I LOVE your Saoirse Ronan, Michelle Williams, Carey Mulligan, and Jennifer Garner casting. I can so see Williams as an older Ronan and as Mulligan's mother. Gina Torres is also perfect, and I'm giggling inside at the idea of Emma STone as C3PO.


kwritten September 23 2012, 20:22:49 UTC
I can so see Williams as an older Ronan and as Mulligan's mother.

THIS SHOULD HAPPEN! I don't even care how, at this point. Someone should put these women together and it will be perfection.

Garner is perfection.

I'm giggling inside at the idea of Emma STone as C3PO

Me too! It was a last-minute idea and I just WANT!


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