Fic: Late Nights and Early Mornings

Apr 29, 2012 00:40

Title: Late Nights and Early Mornings
Rating and warnings: PG
Word count: 914
Medium: Fic
Setting: Phantom Dennis' apartmentPairing: Spuffy; Dawn 
Summary: Buffy comes to visit; Spuffy from Dawn's perspective (wanted to think about how Spuffy would look to someone from Outside)
Author's Note: Somewhat set in my personal AU (post-NFA) (purely by some ( Read more... )

fic: life- an experiment, flist hearts, btvs is flawed, fic happens here, dawnie is my personal hero, ship: spuffy is a legitimate life choice, sometimes i channel taylor townsend

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Comments 4

fluffyfrolicker June 25 2012, 11:43:38 UTC
OH this is lovely, so so lovely :) The coziness and the familiarity and Dawn's thoughts about everything, beautiful :)


kwritten June 25 2012, 12:53:24 UTC
Thank you so much!


eilowyn June 25 2012, 21:52:52 UTC
This was so sweet! Exactly what I was looking for!


kwritten June 25 2012, 22:43:01 UTC
I am HEAPS of glad! I love Spuffy-Dawn Family FEELS and there should be heaps more fic about it.


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