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Comments 6

eilowyn March 31 2012, 17:40:58 UTC
Oh God! Your ode to Anne of Green Gables brought me to tears! When I was about six years old my grandmother got me the Anne books while she was still getting my other cousins Barbies. She knew I was different from them, and she wanted me to embrace this difference when I didn't want to - I wanted to get the Barbies too! - and I'm still different from them (they became literal Barbies and have had Barbie's Dream Wedding while I don't want a husband, I want a PhD!), but Anne taught me that being different from everyone was good - if you embraced the world around you, it would embrace you back. And I had the same desire to go to college that you did - it never was a question if I would go to college or not. And didn't Jerusha Abbott (Daddy Long Legs) help you want to go to college, too? She was another heroine who went to college for me to admire.

So give me a number. I can use a good distraction.


kwritten March 31 2012, 20:40:02 UTC
Oh God! Your ode to Anne of Green Gables brought me to tears!

Anne has this effect on my ALWAYS.

Anne taught me that being different from everyone was good - if you embraced the world around you, it would embrace you back.


So give me a number. I can use a good distraction.

I give you "M"!


pocochina March 31 2012, 22:59:49 UTC
I love this whole list! ANNE SHIRLEY. I loved her so much! That whole series meant so much to me. Anne Steele! Anya! And I'm only a couple hundred pages into GoT, but I already really like Arya.


beer_good_foamy April 1 2012, 09:31:50 UTC
Oh, Anya. (I didn't know that about BSG. That would have been amazing.)

Oh, Anne! Possibly my all-time favourite occasionally-recurring character in Angel. And that they brought her back for that scene in the last episode just kills me every time. One of the true heroes.

Oh, ALBERT. And you quoted the exact scene I would have too. Somewhere, in an alternate universe, there are 10 seasons of Twin Peaks and Albert gets an EPIC arc.

And a bit of Oh, Arya as well since I just rewatched s1 and I need to know what happens to her next.


kwritten April 2 2012, 13:31:41 UTC
Oh, Anne! Possibly my all-time favourite occasionally-recurring character in Angel.

She's just amazing. Such an epic hero in the most "normal" ways... I just EMOTE when I think about her arc and get very incoherent.

Somewhere, in an alternate universe, there are 10 seasons of Twin Peaks and Albert gets an EPIC arc.

Considering the way S2 ends - the ONLY way the series could have happened is if Albert was the "hero" of S3 (with helpful sidekick Harry DENISE!


beer_good_foamy April 2 2012, 13:47:53 UTC
Albert and Denise rescue Cooper from the Black Lodge, armed only with snark and a fetching summer dress.


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