tVD 3.10: The New Deal

Jan 05, 2012 22:53

Where the frack is Caroline?

I mean, I seriously love that Bonnie is back to being a BAMF and not just a plot-device. But Caroline is my tv girlfriend, okay? tVD is not complete without her.

Literally SOBBED when Damon told Jeremy to leave. SOBS guys. We had a great first-half with my two favorite bromances... there were Jeremy/Tyler bonding in the woods and Damon/Alaric being... bar buddies with serious "big brother" issues. AND THEN THEY SENT HIM AWAY!
Okay, I get it. He's not Bonnie's love interest anymore. He doesn't have Anna anymore (don't even get me started on how my life is incomplete without her). He just took matters to his own hands and killed a bitch to save his sister... so yeah, let's just send him away because it makes Elena feel guilty.

(Let's just pause on how much Elena and Damon are the same person in this episode.)

Moving on... SOBS PEOPLE!

I was pretty psyched to get Rebekah back. And then I verbally abused Klaus for stabbing her and Roomie pet me until I calmed down. I have feelings about that girl and her brothers.

Elena's plan... I hate it because it means that I have to suffer through a long stretch without my Jer-bear of <3 - but it was actually pretty well played. She made Klaus think she had nothing left, no bargaining chips - then she sent Jeremy away, seemingly leaving her at a loss... But Elena's facial expression when she tells Klaus "Oh by the way, your sister hates your face" was UH-MAIZ-ING. Basically the plan was this::
(1) Convince Klaus I have no cards
(2) Ensure my brother's safety
(3) Make Klaus miserable
Because guess what, Klaus lost in this plan. Big time. He didn't get his sister back - he got a pissed off Original back. And this one? Wants to kill him. There was no win in this plan. Which is why I still have respect for Elena - she's eerily manipulative right now, but she's not doing it for her own benefit, not really. Her "team" didn't come out on top. No. Elena weakened Klaus and strengthened herself. Sending Jeremy away means she has one less thing to worry about. Shitty of her. The whole Damon-compelling-Jeremy plotline is getting old, but they know it. And they know it won't work forever. But hey, at least he's not trying to kill her, right?

In other news, there was a Delena kiss. Which I will only comment on briefly to say: They aren't ready, folks. Anyone who, like my Roomie, squeed with glee, needs to recognize that these kids aren't ready...

Also, I'm pretty sure Damon's drama-queen statement was just that - a statement. He's meta sometimes, guys.


What are yours?

long list of spirit animals, tv, tvd: dopplegangers and bffs, dragon: fire, vampires today

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