a curious problem

Oct 04, 2014 12:08

okay so I recently paid for an extension on a larger icon package (yay icons) only now the only icon that will pop up on ANY comment that I make is my default ( Read more... )

lj has a tag

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Comments 16

kikimay October 4 2014, 09:20:13 UTC
It's happening to everyone, don't worry. Apparently they have a problem.


kwritten October 6 2014, 05:59:54 UTC
yikes. get it together, eljay!


rosaxx50 October 4 2014, 09:47:16 UTC
That's odd, I wasn't having any trouble earlier. I'm trying to comment with a different icon right now. It seems to work if I disable javascript, but not when it's on.


kwritten October 6 2014, 06:00:43 UTC
idk how to do that bc I'm not tech-savvy enough... but I know it will also work if you go in and edit the comment. basically do everything twice.

it's a glitch that needs to gtfo


lynzie914 October 4 2014, 12:59:44 UTC
Yay for you for more icons!

But defenitely not you, I've been having this problem too. I thought it was just me because I haven't seen anything on my f-list, but aparently its just LJ being LJ.


kwritten October 6 2014, 06:01:34 UTC
eljay is so dumb

but i hate tumblr so...


lynzie914 October 7 2014, 18:06:53 UTC
That's the thing.

tumblr...is tumblr, therefore we stay here on LJ where its better.

Only like you said. Its dumb.

Its a complicated relationship we all share.


snogged October 4 2014, 15:01:08 UTC
I've seen this glitch happening to other people. I hope it's one they fix soon.


kwritten October 6 2014, 06:01:47 UTC


eilowyn October 5 2014, 01:15:14 UTC
I've edited comments and been able to put a new icon in, though the default came up the first time I posted.

BTW, I'm so sorry you've been sick! I heard about it from various outlets and have been computerless and unable to make you virtual chicken soup with barley because let's face it barley is so much more badass than noodles. How have you been?

Edit: It just did it again. I wonder if my default will show up this time.


kwritten October 6 2014, 06:02:24 UTC
thanks! being sick is the worst! especially this time around because I can't ... ignore it and hope it goes away


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