[meme] December rambly meme 12/22

Dec 21, 2013 23:43

Title: crashing-smashing
Fandom: BtVS/SPN
Word Count: ~2600
Rating: pg
Prompt: Sam/Faith/Ruby cuddles on a rainy day
Recipient: gryfndor_godess
Characters: Sam/Faith/Ruby, Dean, (background Dawn)
Setting: Once, they all get snowed in for a couple of days.
a/n: I’ve seen a few comments around tumblr about how size-difference shouldn’t just be big!man/small! ( Read more... )

iz shipper, btvs is flawed, dawnie-noona 'verse, fic: spn, spn is about the ladies, fic: btvs, flist hearts, fic happens here, warrior women, dec meme of doom, wanna build a snowman

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Comments 4

gryfndor_godess December 21 2013, 17:34:54 UTC
Better comment later bc I'm on my phone and will be out/have unreliable internet for hrs, but THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY. I have been horribly miserable the past few days, and this put a smile on my face like you wouldn't believe, the first one in ages. Thank you for this this darling fic. <333


kwritten December 21 2013, 20:36:46 UTC

I'm so glad this boosted your spirits even a little bit.




gryfndor_godess December 29 2013, 17:16:23 UTC
ILU back, and I'm sorry it took me so long to write a proper comment.

This is so very lovely. I like how Sam just goes with it and adapts to their exuberance rather than longing for something more traditional. I lovelovelove the contrast to Bela/Dean's "married" domesticity and the Sam-third-wheel vs. oblivious-Dean dynamic. I like that there's adorableness and angst in equal measure and that Ruby and Faith clearly care about each other and it's not just about Sam.

I particularly love these lines:
am found himself on one side of a closed door with his bag on one arm and the words, “Get your own room Sammy,” ringing in his ears. In the morning he’d find them at a diner, finishing each other sentences

Dean’s gun was out of his hands in a flurry of girls and limbs and giggling and talking...and it was Sam and Dean who were intruding on their private space.

when Bela comes it feels like a marriage and a mr. and mrs. and privacy and quiet laughter through the walls but when Faith and Ruby knock on their door it’s like being children ( ... )


kwritten December 30 2013, 07:49:27 UTC
You are never late to your own party my darling!

This is so very lovely.
Oh I'm so glad that you liked it!

I like how Sam just goes with it and adapts to their exuberance rather than longing for something more traditional.
In this 'verse, there's nothing really holding Sam back from just letting himself love Ruby (the way the series coudn't) and I lovelove the idea of him loving Faith also? idk I think this ot3 is perfection.

I lovelovelove the contrast to Bela/Dean's "married" domesticity and the Sam-third-wheel vs. oblivious-Dean dynamic.
THIS! It feels so in-character to me that Faith/Ruby wouldn't mind Dean being his derpy-oblivious self. (Also I was super inspired by your Halloween series? I love that Sam.)

I like that there's adorableness and angst in equal measure and that Ruby and Faith clearly care about each other and it's not just about Sam.
Faith/Ruby started as not being about Sam at all - so I'm glad that you can see that, but it doesn't seem as though they are neglecting Sam? This is my biggest worry about this ot3 ( ... )


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