Monday I got 2 tattoos. I like them alot. Alot of my friends have gone to college so I sit around alot. But that's just fine. Saturday, I went to FolkFest with Liz. We saw Dani and Renee there and we watched The Recipe. We then went to The Mack's house. The Mack and I went to see End of All and Psyopus in Pittsburgh. Both bands dropped. But there
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Today I went to the zoo with Marla and we loafed around Pittsburgh. We went to Tom's Diner where we met up with Josh and Jordy. Then we tried to hit up the Andy Warhol Museum but it was closing soon. We will go back again soon for that.
So I just got back from Hellfest. Those in attendance were Dutch, Pat, Ana, McCormick, Mikey D, Mike the Mack, Josh Russo, Jordan, John O Connor, Justin Galosi and Ben
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It Dies Today is on Wed. night. Hellfest is this weekend. My car is fixed.
I'm very irritated right now. Anytime someone speaks, it pierces my ears and gives me a headache. I cant even turn music on. I dont know why. I just have these moods. Eh.
Vietnam was a heart-wrenching time in American history. I can still feel it today, when I see the post traumatics walking down the street and when I hear the stories passed on by the survivors. I wish I could hear the stories from those who didnt survive, but I cant. 25 years later, as a country, we find ourselves in a similar position. The war is
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