So i'm at this essentially random bar in the East 20s that has a separate room with a pool table. And in that room what looks like a first date is going on, with the guy pretending to believe his own BS and the girl pretending to listen. They are talking about "relationships" (like duh, obviously). Since I'm full of beer, I care not a bit and walk in and rack'em up. Midway through the rack they switch to Russian and start discussing whether or not I'm Russian. They decide that I'm not, because otherwise I'd be shooting "weird glances" in their direction (obligatory giggle, just in case). I did of course, but they didn't notice.
So this settles where I stand with regard to the latest "disputes" going on in
rusam as to who we are, the americans or zee russkies. That, and the language in which this entry is written.