Invitation to Kutner Fest: Celebrating the Life of House's Professional Defibrillist

Apr 15, 2009 00:04

graphic courtesy of swatkat24

You are all invited to attend Kutner Fest, a week-long fandom beach party to celebrate the life of Dr. Lawrence Kutner from the FOX TV series House!

What do I bring to the fest?
YOURSELF, of course. As many friends as you can round up! Also beer, we hope, a fan work to celebrate. The more, the better.

Cool, I can do that! What fan work can I bring?
Fic, essays/meta, art, graphics, icons, vids, fanmixes--anything that honors and celebrates Kutner. You can bring more than one if you are so inclined.

Are there any rules about the fan work?
Rule #1: There *are* no rules.

Well, OK, that's not quite true. There are a few, just to keep the neighbors (and the cops) happy:

1. All fan work must be Kutner-centric. Other characters may be included, of course. Works may also be from another character's POV, but Kutner must be the center of attention.
2. Kutner-bashing will not be tolerated. Works may be dark, but ultimately they must say something positive about Kutner.
3. Fan works may be any length, from drabbles to novels (!), any genre, and any rating. Ideally they will be complete at the time of posting.
4. All fics/meta/essays must be beta'ed/edited before posting. Yes, we're insisting on this one. Kutner gave us his best, so he deserves the best we've got. If you need help finding a beta, please let us know and we will help arrange something for you.
5. One copy of your fan work must be posted to the comm. Please, no fake-cuts or linking. After that, you are free to post wherever else you like.

I want to join in, but I might need some inspiration. Dude, any ideas?
We will have a prompt list available if you need/want ideas. Please watch future posts for details.

I want to join in, but I don't have an LJ. Do I need one to participate?
An LJ is not needed to attend! If you don't have an LJ and you want to contribute a fan work, just contact us to arrange posting your work on your behalf. (We will need a valid e-mail address from you for comments and contacts.)

Important Fest Dates To Mark On Your Calendar:
April 15-23: Prompt submissions
April 24-30: Prompt claiming
June 30: Official fest closing (though late fest posts will still be welcome after this date)

Is there anything else I should know?
Watch here for upcoming prompt posts, updates, reminders, and of course the party itself. If you have specific questions or need more information, please reply in comments to this post.

We look forward to seeing you all here! And spread the word!

Your hosts, soophelia, namasteyoga,
mer_duff, swatkat24, and

kutner-fest, prompts

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