I got back from work at 9 (12 hours days are so not something I could ever get used to, feel ridiculously exhausted, could never become a banker!) and am thinking of taking a bath and having an early night, but I just wanted to say that the response to my last post was a little overwhelming, I was reading some of the comments in my lunch break and
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Comments 15
Ahhh Gossip Girl, I have such a weird relationship with that show. Although I am excited for the new series!
My relationship with GG is pretty simple, I am aware of its many fails, but happily sweep them under the rug because it makes me so happy in it's ridiculousness! It has pretty clothes and Blair Waldorf, what else does one need?!
Heather Morris's Emmy dress is so gorgeous. *_______*
It's pretty brilliant. It shouldn't really work, but for some reason it absolutely does.
Gossip Girl! I am excited.
Why shouldn't it? :D Gold sequins is a MAGICAL combination!!!
Me too, no Jenny and Paris, can it get any better? (I am not anti Jenny, but I do think the show might benefit from a break from her...)
Because for a second I was all 'oh no, sparkle overload!!'. But then that passed and I started loving on the dress.
I love that Gossip Girl promo. The clothes look so epic!
They really are! And Paris! Oh show, please don't disappoint me!
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