Huh, I hadn't quite realised that all my 'passing interest' fandoms except AI [eta: according to your poll answer you do! \o/] you have an interest in! :D You have good taste, except for not being a SPN person obvs ;DD
Haha, that's so weird! They are awesome fandoms, obvs. :D I've never mentioned AI here before, but I've read too much fic not to put it in the poll. It's the easiest fandom to get into, v little canon and a ton of good fic!
And thank you for the Glee rec, it's not a pairing I would have ever considered, so I would have totally missed out on a good fic! (unlike AI, there are so few good Glee fics)
I watched the first couple of eps of Glee last night and although I liked it, I dont know if I want to get into it's fandom. I imagine it might be insane....
Glee certainly has it faults, but it can be hilarious and it offers a bunch of very compelling characters, I've never before had the problem of shipping absolutely everyone! The fandom is... a little young I think, which leads to character and ship bashing in the big comms, so I tend to avoid those, but there are gems in there. I don't know what you'd want from a fandom exerience, do you tend to read fic?
I'm the opposite when it comes with Glee, love all the characters, and only half the songs! I love that you forgot WC, when we met on the WC friending meme! :D Have you read china_shop's epic OT3? She finished it recently and I love it so!
XD I know right? I filled in the poll, then was like...oh wait. It's because we've only talked about GK and HP since we met! Clearly we need to spend some time discussing the general fabulousness that is Neal, and the OT3. I haven't read that, but it's safe to assume that's what I'll be doing tomorrow!
We clearly do! There is a lot of fabulousness where Neal and the ot3 is concerned! It's back soon, I really can't wait! Excellent, it's an awesome fic, i assume you have read/seen the brilliance that is the fahye/lizardspots colab? It's my favourite thing ever!
I'm finding this hard to answer, because although I'm a fan of a few things, I'm only really a participant (i.e. writing/reading fic, making graphics, joining discussions) in one proper fandom, and not even that lately. Should I count things I am a big fan of but not a fandom participator for?
Comments 33
And thank you for the Glee rec, it's not a pairing I would have ever considered, so I would have totally missed out on a good fic! (unlike AI, there are so few good Glee fics)
I love the Glee songs, but can't really invest in any of the characters. White Collar though! Somehow I completely forgot we shared this fandom /o\
I'm the opposite when it comes with Glee, love all the characters, and only half the songs! I love that you forgot WC, when we met on the WC friending meme! :D Have you read china_shop's epic OT3? She finished it recently and I love it so!
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